Chris Morgan 03/23/2012
“Nothing is more important. There’s no such thing as a high- performing school without a great principal….You simply can’t overstate their importance in driving student achievement, in attracting and retaining great talent to the school.” — Arne Duncan Principal Magazine 2010 “…school leadership has a statistically significant relationship with student achievement.” — Robert Marzano School Leadership that Works 2005
Principal Compass is a comprehensive professional development system that builds the competencies of effective school leadership ̶ connecting what happens in the principal’s office to success in the classroom.
Offers a powerful, integrated and scalable tool for differentiated leadership training Delivers constructive assessment and coaching Provides customizable professional growth tools and continuous leadership support
How it Works Analyzes leadership style and training needs Targets support through online professional development, coaching and team development Monitors progress and provides recommendations for additional support
How it Works – The Technology Allows school leaders to perform ongoing self-analysis and the software automatically recommends rich leadership training content.
How it Works – The Technology The software provides ongoing diagnostics to track leadership progress based on research-based frameworks.
Analyzes Leadership Style and Training Needs “ Our research team has dedicated years to identifying that critical set of skills and behaviors that makes a principal an exceptional leader. Now, with Principal Compass™...we have created a partnership that can ultimately benefit millions of principals, teachers and students across the country.” —Dr. Robert J. Marzano Marzano’s School Administrator Growth Framework WPI and the Leadership Competencies Local Frameworks and Standards
The leadership modules are aligned to the 5 Domains and 24 Elements of Dr. Robert J. Marzano’s framework A data-driven focus on student achievement Continuous improvement of instruction A guaranteed and viable curriculum Cooperation and collaboration, and School climate Analyzes Leadership Style and Training Needs Marzano’s School Administrator Growth Framework WPI and the Leadership Competencies Local Frameworks and Standards
WPI and the Leadership Competencies Marzano’s School Administrator Growth Framework Analyzes Leadership Style and Training Needs WPI and the Leadership Competencies Established in 1979, Lyle Kirtman’s Future Management Systems (FMS) has more than twenty-five years experience working with public and private educational systems, non-profit organizations, government agencies and corporations in the areas of leadership development, strategic planning, high- and performance team building.
Local Frameworks and Standards WPI and the Leadership Competencies Marzano’s School Administrator Growth Framework Pearson’s Workplace Personality Inventory (WPI) Analyzes Leadership Style and Training Needs WPI and the Leadership Competencies + Kirtman’s Leadership Competencies for High Performing Leaders Highly Performing Leaders Challenges status quo
Local Frameworks and Standards WPI and the Leadership Competencies Marzano’s School Administrator Growth Framework Analyzes Leadership Style and Training Needs WPI and the Leadership Competencies The 7 Leadership Competencies for High Performing Leaders are: ● Challenges status quo ● Builds trust through clear communication and expectations ● Creates a commonly owned plan for success ● Focuses on team over self ● Has a high sense of urgency for change and sustainable results ● Commitment to continuous improvement ● Builds external networks / partnerships
The Compass Platform also enables districts and schools to load local frameworks and align them to the leadership modules or local content. Analyzes Leadership Style and Training Needs Local Frameworks and Standards WPI and the Leadership Competencies Marzano’s School Administrator Growth Framework WPI and the Leadership Competencies
Each online leadership module includes: Introductory, stage setting videos with real principals Applications for immediate relevance to the work in the building Animated PowerPoint with illustrated overviews Extended readings for each topic Built-in “Check for Understanding” Enrichment videos for further support Quick “Tips and Tools” Targeted Support
Initial leadership Topics include: Building a school-wide instructional improvement plan Understanding the fundamentals of a data-driven culture Conducting formative observation and providing effective feedback Developing knowledge of the “art and science” of teaching Determine readiness for the Common Core and beginning to close the gaps Developing a shared mission and vision that focuses on instruction Developing high-performing teams Building rapport to open doors to new learning and improved teaching performance Creating a school climate conducive to learning Developing the competencies of effective principal leadership
Targeted Support Topics Accountability Assessments Classroom Management Common Core ELA Common Core Mathematics Curriculum Planning Differentiation Early Childhood Effective Use of Technology English Language Arts English Language Learners Families and Communities Instructional Strategies Mathematics Professional Learning Communities Dr. Robert Marzano Rick Stiggins Jon Saphier Grant Wiggins, Ed.D. ASCD Johns Hopkins University Battelle for Kids Dr. Tim Shanahan Margo Gottlieb, Ph.D. Dr. Jeffrey Arnett, PhD. Phil Daro Donna Ogle, Ed.D Charles Temple, Ph.D. Mary Ellen Vogt, EdD. Lily Wong-Fillimore, PhD. Programs Assessment Training Institute A+RISE enVisionMath Good Habits Great Readers Interactive Science Literacy Navigator Math Navigator Miller and Levine Biology MySidewalks MyWorld Geography Opening the World of Learning Prentice Hall Literature Prentice Hall Math Reading Street SIOP Skillful Teacher In addition, over 3000 videos, tutorials and documents on teacher practice are available to administrators. Authors/Partners
Monitors Progress School leaders can continue to use the technology and content to self- assess and improve.
How it Works Analyzes leadership style and training needs Targets support through online professional development, coaching and team development Monitors progress and provides recommendations for additional support
Practical Realistic Flexible Authentic Reliable