The Nature of Ethnic Relations Units 2 & 3 Some Basic Concepts Stratification: Power and Inequality Prejudice and Discrimination Assimilation and Pluralism American Demography and Immigration
Some Basic Concepts 4 Key Questions What is the nature of inter-group relations in multiethnic societies? How are the various ethnic groups ranked and what are consequences of that ranking system? How does the dominant group maintain its place and how do subordinate groups attempt to change that? What are the long-range outcomes of ethnic inter-relations?
Some Basic Concepts Ethnic Groups Unique cultural Traits Sense of Community Ethnocentrism Ascribed Membership Territoriality
Some Basic Concepts Race As a Biological Notion As a Social Construct In the Ideology of Racism
Ethnic Stratification Dominant Groups Political, Economic, and Cultural Dominance Middleman Minorities Minority Groups Differential Treatment Social Definition Differential Power Categorical Nature Sociological and Numerical Meanings
Ethnic Stratification Forms of Contact Conquest Annexation Voluntary Immigration Involuntary Immigration
Ethnic Stratification Outcomes of Contact Lieberson’s Model: migrant superordination indigenous superordination Noel’s Model: nature or initial contact ethnocentrism competition for scarce societal resources unequal distribution of power
Ethnic Stratification Minority Responses to Subordination Pluralistic Minorities Assimilationist Minorities Secessionist Minorities Militant Minorities
Prejudice and Discrimination Prejudice Stereotypes Social Distance Discrimination Individual Institutional Structural
Prejudice and Discrimination Psychological Theories frustration-aggression authoritarian personality Normative Theories socialization reference groups Merton’s Paradigm Power-Conflict Theories economic gain Marxian Theory split labor-market theory political gain