MyPlate (formerly MyPyramid)
Why it matters Better health - reduce rates of morbidity and mortality related to obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other chronic illnesses. - offers dietary assessment tools, nutrition education resources, and clear, actionable information about how to make better food choices. ( )
The groups: FRUITS Aim for the whole fruit as opposed to juices Fruits: apples, apricots, bananas, blueberries, canteloupe, cherries, grapes, grapefruit, honeydew, kiwi, lemons, limes, mangoes, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, pineapple, plums, prunes, raisins, raspberries, strawberries, tangerines, tangelos, watermelon, etc. If you drink juice, make sure it’s 100% juice, not sugary, colored water.
Daily recommendation* Children2-3 years old1 cup** 4-8 years old1 to 1 ½ cups** Girls9-13 years old1 ½ cups** years old1 ½ cups** Boys9-13 years old1 ½ cups** years old2 cups** Women19-30 years old2 cups** years old1 ½ cups** 51+ years old1 ½ cups** Men19-30 years old2 cups** years old2 cups** 51+ years old2 cups** The groups: Fruits Serving recommendations
The groups: VEGETABLES Aim for fresh, minimally processed vegetables Vegetables: Beans, bok choy, broccoli, collard greens, dark green leafy lettuce, kale, mesclun, mustard greens, spinach, collard greens, turnip greens, watercress, carrots, squash, pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, brussel sprouts, peas, beets, avocado, celery, lentils, peppers, tomatoes, etc.
The groups: Vegetables Serving recommendations Daily recommendation* Children2-3 years old1 cup** 4-8 years old1½ cups** Girls9-13 years old2 cups** years old2½ cups** Boys9-13 years old2½ cups** years old3 cups** Women19-30 years old2½ cups** years old2½ cups** 51+ years old2 cups** Men19-30 years old3 cups** years old3 cups** 51+ years old2½ cups**
The groups: Grains Aim to make half your grains WHOLE grains Whole Grains: Brown rice, armaranth, bulgur, millet, oatmeal, popcorn, quinoa, wild rice, whole grain breads, pastas, cereals, and tortillas Refined Grains: White rice, cornbread, couscous, flour tortillas, white flour pasta, white bread, pretzels, pitas, and grits
Daily recommendation* Daily minimum amount of whole grains Children2-3 years old3 ounce equivalents**1 ½ ounce equivalents** 4-8 years old5 ounce equivalents**2 ½ ounce equivalents** Girls9-13 years old5 ounce equivalents** 3 ounce equivalents** years old6 ounce equivalents** 3 ounce equivalents** Boys9-13 years old6 ounce equivalents** 3 ounce equivalents** years old8 ounce equivalents** 4 ounce equivalents** Women19-30 years old6 ounce equivalents**3 ounce equivalents** years old6 ounce equivalents**3 ounce equivalents** 51+ years old5 ounce equivalents**3 ounce equivalents** Men19-30 years old8 ounce equivalents**4 ounce equivalents** years old7 ounce equivalents**3 ½ ounce equivalents** 51+ years old6 ounce equivalents**3 ounce equivalents** The groups: Grains Serving recommendations
The groups: Proteins Meat/Animal Sources: Red meat, chicken, turkey, duck, ham, pork, veal, bison, venison, rabbit, goose, eggs, organ meats like liver, and all seafood. Non Meat/Animal Sources: All beans, nuts, seeds, legumes, nut/seed butters, tofu, tempeh, vegetable burgers, TVP (texturized Vegetable Protein).
The groups: Proteins Serving recommendations Daily recommendation* Children2-3 years old2 ounce equivalents** 4-8 years old4 ounce equivalents** Girls9-13 years old5 ounce equivalents** years old5 ounce equivalents** Boys9-13 years old5 ounce equivalents** years old6 ½ ounce equivalents** Women19-30 years old5 ½ ounce equivalents** years old5 ounce equivalents** 51+ years old5 ounce equivalents** Men19-30 years old6 ½ ounce equivalents** years old6 ounce equivalents** 51+ years old5 ½ ounce equivalents**
The groups: Dairy Aim for low or fat-free animal source items Animal Sources: Cow’s milk or goat’s milk: cheeses, cottage cheese, pudding, ricotta cheese, processed cheeses, ice creams, and yogurt. Non Animal Sources: Soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk: cheeses, cottage cheese, pudding, ricotta cheese, processed cheeses, ice creams, and yogurt.
The groups: Dairy Serving recommendations Daily recommendation Children2-3 years old2 cups 4-8 years old2 ½ cups Girls9-13 years old3 cups years old3 cups Boys9-13 years old3 cups years old3 cups Women19-30 years old3 cups years old3 cups 51+ years old3 cups Men19-30 years old3 cups years old3 cups 51+ years old3 cups
EXTRA: Fats/Oils Animal Sources: butter milk fat beef fat (tallow, suet) chicken fat pork fat (lard) stick margarine shortening partially hydrogenated oil Non Animal Sources: canola oil corn oil cottonseed oil olive oil safflower oil soybean oil sunflower oil Current recommendation – no more than 4-5 tsp. per day
Balance your plate – Balance your life Eat a variety of foods to get all then nutrients necessary Eat a variety of foods so you don’t get bored.
Physical Activity: 60 minutes a day recommended for most people. EXTRA: Physical Activity
EXTRA: Water BEST beverage for hydration!! NO: Calories Salt Anything!! Helps keep blood flowing Bring nutrients to the body Can ease headache pain
What to do: Look at what you eat – pay attention to what you put in your mouth. Read labels – If it’s in a package, you should know what the ingredients are. – visit this site to see more options and track your food intake.