Social Media Addiction Mekseb Mehari Eng 1108 – 03, Professor Synstelien Inver Hills Community College Assignment In ENG 1108, students are asked to create an informative poster that is the beginning of a semester long research project. The topic I chose is questioning the effects of online gaming addictions. I want to see the full effect of online gaming on a persons life. Thesis Online gaming addiction has diminished the mental health of middle class males ages Descriptions of Graphics: 1. 1.Statistics of what people use the internet for Showing a video game controller as a child’s umbilical cord showing addiction Graph showing reasons why people online game Fun facts showing what happens to someone with an online addiction physically (in an extreme fashion). Aileen, Chor, and Yin Jie Soon. "Gaming Addiction | Survey." ThinkQuest. Oracle Foundation, June-July Web. 11 Feb Blanchette, Leo. "Video Game Addiction." NowPublic, 18 Mar Web. 11 Feb, n.d. Web. 06 Feb Glazer, Sarah. "Video Games." CQ Researcher 10 Nov. 2006: Web. 6 Feb McBride, Hugh C. "Video Game Addiction." Internet Gaming Addiction. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Feb Woolley, David R. "PLATO: The Emergence of Online Community." PLATO: The Emergence of Online Community. Matrix News, n.d. Web. 06 Feb Cause & Effect: While online gaming addiction isn't officially in the DSM-IV it still has negative effects. Having this addiction has similar effects to alcoholism or drug abuse, I am going to list a few of these effects due to excessive gaming. Social Isolation Negative financial effects Negative impacts on the family Job loss Education LOGO Definitions: 1.Online Gaming: Any video game played over some internet network. 2.Addiction:the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma. 3.Diminished: to lessen; decrease. 4. Mental Health: Psychological well-being and satisfactory adjustment to society and to the ordinary demands of life. 5. Middle Class: a class of people intermediate between the classes of higher and lower social rank or standing; the social, economic, cultural class, having approximately average status, income, education, tastes, and the like. History: In 1979 online service providers (CompuServe & The Source specifically) became really big, people started to use online chat, and began to play video games online was the first year where CompuServe created their first actual online video game which was called, Islands of Kismai. Something interesting is that people were charged around $6-$8 per hour to play online and if you wanted a faster connection the price would double to around $12-$18 (Glazer). Today online gaming is usually provided for by the company that created the console that is being used (PSN, XBOX LIVE, etc.) most are free to use today except Xbox Live which you pay $50 a year. BACKGROUND Paragraph Summarizing Paper Dev. Mind Map What Do These Images Mean? Potential Positions LOGO BIBLIOGRAPHY