Winter Institute for Ninth Grade Academies Enhancement Development Project LEAP INTO NGAs!!
Wednesday, February 29 Junior Achievement (JA) World Huizenga Center at Broward College 1130 Coconut Creek Blvd. Coconut Creek, FL :00 AM Registration 8:30 AM-3:30 PM
Elisa Calabrese, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent HRD - Division of Professional Learning and Continuing Education Welcome
Ann Evans Project Coordinator HRD - Division of Professional Learning and Continuing Education Introductions
NGA Enhancement Development Project Deerfield Beach Bucks Coral Springs Colts Miramar Patriots Northeast Vikings Nova Titans South Plantation Paladins Stranahan Dragons
Leap Bag
Linda Whitehead Director, Teacher Development HRD - Division of Professional Learning and Continuing Education Picture This!
Objectives for the Day AM To learn To reflect and To network through lunch PM To discuss To evaluate To begin planning Take away from NGA Winter Institute: Knowledge Resources Clarity of priorities Tools needed to move ahead into Action Planning
Overview of Project Ann Evans – Project Coordinator Nettie Legters, Ph.D. – Co-Principal Investigator Center for Social Organization of Schools Johns Hopkins University Linda Medvin – Teacher on Special Assignment
Flagship Schools’ NGA Coordinators: Teacher Leadership: Team Leader Model Tameka King- Coral Springs HS Data Driven Collaborative Response Teams Ricardo Santana- Nova HS Teacher Leadership: NGA Coordinator Model Donna Rose- South Plantation HS Active Community Partnerships: Board Of Directors Model Jennifer Hamilton- Stranahan HS Description of Enhancements
Morning Break
Susan Leon – Coral Springs HS John LaCasse - Nova HS David Basile, Ph.D. – South Plantation HS Deborah Owens: Stranahan HS Principals’ Presentation
The Flagship School Principals Present: Movies of Our Lives! The Way We Were!
The Way We Were! SLC Grants District mandate for Ninth Grade Academies PLC – LINGO – for all NGA Administrators Showcase of Success
The Here and Now!
No funds (till now) No mandate from the District No District support No venue to display Best Practices
Back to the Future!
Lead with a vision (and expertise) Excitement for the project Don’t take NO for an answer Handpick 9 th grade teachers Instill teacher leadership Don’t let money be an obstacle Early –and continuing—faculty buy-in Scheduling
Ann Evans Moderator Flagship School Principals’ Moderated Panel
Gerene Starratt, Ph.D. Visiting Professor of Education Adrian Dominican School of Education Barry University Introduce Guest Speaker
Jill Farrell, Ed.D. Associate Dean Adrian Dominican School of Education Barry University Guest Speaker
Flagship Schools’ NGA Coordinators Question & Answer Session
Ready to LEAP! Discuss each question with your group and record answers on the lavender handout. Choose one recorder for the group. The recorder will hand in the form today. The form will be sent back to the recorder via CAB. Use the notes on your LEAPad! for assistance. Action Planning Activity
Choose a spokesperson to report out. Explain which enhancement your school will implement first. Summarize the group’s discussion that led to this choice and why. Share the benefits you expect and the challenge you think you will face when implementing the enhancement. Ready to LEAP! Which enhancement will you focus on first? In what order are the other enhancements ranked?
Schools Report Out Flagship Schools: Coral Springs Nova HS South Plantation HS Stranahan HS Core Schools: Deerfield Beach HS Northeast HS Miramar HS
Planning Tool: Meet as a team when you return to your school to complete the blue handout. NGA Coordinators will scan and return the form to Ann Evans on or before March 9. NGA Coordinators bring the completed Planning Tool to the next Design Team Meeting on March 21 at SPHS at 3:30 PM. The Planning Tool document will be used for activities at the meeting. Follow up Activity
Nettie Legters, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University Exit Survey
School and Community based experts: Principal Ninth Grade Administrator Ninth Grade Coordinator Representative from Institute of Higher Learning Research and Development Support: MDRC Johns Hopkins University BCPS Human Resource Development-Division of Professional Learning and Continuing Education staff Design Team
Linda Whitehead Director, Teacher Development Picture That!