Performance Programmes – what makes them effective?
Biophysical and Socio-cultural factors that effect performance
Biophysical “The way in which scientific knowledge can be utilized in an attempt to enhance involvement and performance in physical activity.” Scholarship prescription
Socio-cultural Factors linked to socialization and culture that can influence involvement and performance in physical activity.
Biophysical Factors Sports Nutrition – hydration, energy requirements, tissue growth and repair Sports Psychology – goal setting, mental rehearsal, levels of arousal, motivation, feedback Sports Medicine Exercise Physiology- energy systems, acute and chronic training effects
Biophysical Factors Coaching Biomechanical Analysis –External Forces: technique and: Newton’s laws, levers, force summation, projectile motion Biomechanical Analysis- Internal Forces: Functional Anatomy- muscle architecture
Biophysical Factors Fitness Training- methods, principles, testing, periodization of training, physiological adaptation, anthropometry (body measurement) Skill Acquisition- types of practice, progression, practice time, stages of learning, technique Game Analysis- use of ICT, developing strategy, game plans
Sociocultural factors 1. Gender – gender roles, motivation 2. Ethnicity- tradition, values, genetics? 3. Age – impacts on interests, concentration, ability to understand, motivation, maturation, information processing ability 4. Economic background – access to resources, facilities, coaching- barriers and enablers
Sociocultural factors 4. Cultural beliefs – values, traditions, healthism, role of sport in a culture. 5. Relationships – family, friends, peer pressure. 6. Hauora- of the elite athlete 7. Life Skills- education, career goals
Commonalities 2006 Exam Paper In your critical evaluation, you should: support your evaluation by drawing on relevant knowledge from areas such as biomechanics, exercise physiology, anatomy, skill acquisition, principles of training, methods of training, and sports psychology support your evaluation with appropriate examples from your own experiences of a performance-improvement programme.
2007 Exam Paper Critically evaluate the need for individuals to have access to this type of expertise to improve their performance. A critical evaluation may: consider the different ability levels of individuals who try to improve performance in a sport / activity and the different goals and outcomes these individuals may have be supported by breadth and depth of knowledge drawing on biophysical aspects such as those stated above consider socio-cultural influences and factors affecting performance improvement be supported by examples drawing on knowledge applied in your own experience of a performance improvement programme.
Critical Evaluation The contribution of the relevant and most important biophysical and socio- cultural factors Compare and contrast elite athlete with college athlete Draw on specific examples from own programmes
Summary All of these factors MAY be relevant to the exam question. You will not have time to write in depth on all of them. Perhaps MENTION all relevant factors when you frame your answer, BUT YOUR CRITICALLY EVALUATION should only cover the MOST relevant factors.