Welcome Parents! Please come in and look around… Mrs. Murray’s Class
Mrs. Murray’s Class Girls Kim Braun Ava D’ Amato Katie Ehrenburg Madison Kasten Sarah Meany Madelyn Pikula Leah Reid Luca Sullivan Emmeline Thompson Margot Treadwell Boys Jordan Blair Darren D’ Arcy Daniel Eckert William (Billy) Hatrick Jamison Michael Tyler O’ Donnell Dennis (DJ) Osinski Riley Perillo Gabriel (Gabe) Robare John (Jack) Staerker Ian Trzepacz Christopher (Chris) Zaremba Jack Zienski
Expectations of Me Establish a positive learning environment Monitor progress Create a variety of learning activities and projects Work with others Provide a creative curriculum Expectation s
Expectations of Students… Be responsible Be respectful Be a risk-taker ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST!
Expectations Expectations of Parents… Check planner and take home folder nightly Monitor homework and sign planner daily Keep me informed
Mrs. Murray’s Classroom Discipline Policy ~Guidelines~ o Be Respectful o Be Responsible o Be a Risk-Taker, do your best and have fun! ~Rewards~ o Extra Recess o Celebrations o Trips to the office o Parent phone calls/notes ~Consequences~ o Verbal Warning o Walking during recess instead of playing & a note home o Visit to Mrs. Stanfield
What Every Parents Needs to Know About Fourth Grade o Your child will be using a student planner on a daily basis. Please initial the planner when your child completes his/her homework o If your child is unable to complete their homework that evening, due to an emergency or illness, please send in a note. Additional time to complete the homework will be allowed. o Any work not completed in class will be sent home as additional homework. oTake Home folders should be emptied nightly! All important parent information will be put in pockets.
Curriculum Social Studies o Map Skills oIroquois Native Americans o History of the Colonial United States through New York State o Growth and expansion of Elma, Marilla & Wales o Immigration
Curriculum Science o Plant Growth and Development o Nutrition & Digestion o Electricity o Land & Water o Machines & Motion o Mammals
Curriculum Math o Addition and Subtraction Review o Multiplication and Division o Geometry o Graphs and Measurement o Decimals, Fractions and Percents o Word Problems
Curriculum Reading & Language Arts o Literacy taught through Daily 5 and CAFE Reading approach o Skills taught in the context of literature o Skills applied in content areas o Grammar, Parts of Speech and Punctuation o Rebecca Sitton Spelling Program o Lucy Caulkins Writing approach
New York State Fourth Grade Assessment Dates o English & Language Arts April o Math April o Science May 29 – June 1, 4 & 5
Mrs. Murray’s Class Schedule A DayB DayC DayD DayE DayF Day Math 8:15 – 9:15 Library Math ELA Block Reading & Spelling ELA Block Reading & Spelling ELA Block Reading & Spelling 8:45 – 9:25 Music ELA Block Reading & Spelling ELA Block Reading & Spelling ScienceSocial Studies 10:15 – 10:55 Physical Education ELA Block Reading Social Studies Math Science Social Studies Science 11:00 – 11:40 Physical Education 11:00 – 11:40 Physical Education 11:00 – 11:40 Academic Enrichment 11:00 – 11:40 Music 11:45 – 12:15 Lunch 12:20 – 12:40 Recess 11:45 – 12:15 Lunch 12:20 – 12:40 Recess 11:45 – 12:15 Lunch 12:20 – 12:40 Recess 11:45 – 12:15 Lunch 12:20 – 12:40 Recess 11:45 – 12:15 Lunch 12:20 – 12:40 Recess 11:45 – 12:15 Lunch 12:20 – 12:40 Recess Writer’s Workshop Technology 1:45 – 2:25 Art 1:45 – 2:25 Art Technology Planners/ Dismissal Planners/ Dismissal Planners/ Dismissal Planners/ Dismissal Planners/ Dismissal Planners/ Dismissal Depicts an empty space on the table, not an open time slot in the day!
Mrs. Murray’s Class Specials Schedule 2011 – 2012 Day A Physical Education 11:00 – 11:40 Day B Library 8:15 – 9:15 Art 1:45 – 2:25 Day C Physical Education 10:15 – 10:55 Art 1:45 – 2:25 Day D Music 8:45 – 9:25 Physical Education 11:00 – 11:40 Day E Academic Enrichment 11:00 – 11:40 Day F Music 11:00 – 11:40 Lunch Daily 11:45 – 12:15 Recess Daily 12:20 – 12:40
Absences & Notes o If your child is absent, please send a note stating why they were out the following day o If you are picking your child up from school, please send in a note that morning stating you will be picking them up from the office that day. If you do not send in a note, please call the office. If there is no note or phone call, your child will be sent home on the bus. o If your child is going to the Boys & Girls Club, please send in a note that day. If your child goes to the club often, please just jot a quick note in their planner. o If your child attend the ‘Club’ daily or on specific days each week, just send one note stating the days of their attendance
Birthdays o If your child would like to celebrate his/her birthday, treats can be sent in. o Please send any treat in, in a closed container because of school wide allergies If your child is celebrating their birthday by having a party and wishes to invite children from the class, I ask that if you are sending the invitations to school, please send invites one of the following ways: 1. Send your child to school with invitations for all students in the class 2. Send your child in to school with invitations for either all the boys in the class or all the girls in the class
Our Class Giving Tree If you are able to donate any of the items listed below, our class would greatly appreciate it! Paper plates Plastic forks, knives or spoons Paper napkins White lunch bags Hand sanitizer Hand soap
Thank you for sharing your children with me! They are GREAT!!