Welcome To Curriculum Night Ms. Taylor-Hill 3 rd Grade Bingham Farms School Ignite
Philosophy I believe that all children can and will learn if you help them over any stumbling blocks that occur. I have high expectations and will help your children achieve success through challenge. I believe the object of teaching a child is to enable the child to get along without the teacher. I believe learning should be fun.
Parents as Partners Homework Check & sign planner daily Record reading minutes & sign Positive words about school and home Show partnership between school and home Expect quality work Encourage your child always Build in time for your child to think
What Does Challenge Mean? Your child will receive many new challenges academically, socially, and emotionally each day. They will be required to think in many different ways. They will use the “Habits of Mind” to become self-directed students.
Policies and Procedures Planners – Please sign each day Homework is written down each day Reading Log – Title of Book and minutes Unfinished class work needs to be completed at home each evening
Grading System + Student shows mastery of all covered skills – enrichment or challenge activities have been completed √ Student shows mastery of most skills – practice in some skills is needed - Student does not show mastery in skills - improvement is needed
What Counts Toward Grade Only formative and summative assessments including projects and participation. Homework is a way students practice and master new skills, so it will not count against the grade. Independent practice does not count against the grade.
Weekly Folders Each Friday your child will bring home a Folder with completed assessments. Please go over and practice any areas of weakness you see. (This is a good time to practice weak areas because I do not send home homework on the weekends) Please sign and return the assessments and folder the next day.
MEAP Testing All third grade students will take the MEAP Test in October. Please remind them of all the strategies we use to complete this type of test. We are practicing in class. Some activities are not allowed to go home. Please read the 3 rd grade bulletin board for some hints.
Middle Of Aim Higher RoadBull's Eye "Aim Higher""Middle of the Road" "Bulls Eye" Needs improvementYou are getting there!Best Work yet! Please use more effort!Keep trying!Uses effort & challenge! Missing assignments!Use even more effort! Assignments Completed! Missing Homework!Challenge Yourself!Homework completed! Incomplete Work!Most work completed!All work completed ! Behavior issues!Behavior is average!Proper behavior! Needs to use "Habits of Mind" Uses some "Habits of Mind"!Uses "Habits of Mind"
Reading at Home & Accelerated Reader There is a district requirement that each third grade student reads at home at least 100 minutes a week. We will record these minutes in the planner each day with the title of the book with your initials. Example: “Black Beauty” 45 minutes. Each student must earn 25 or more Accelerated Reader points this school year also.
Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills
Aware of Creativeness Original Independent Risk-Taking High Energy Curious Sense of Humor Capacity for Fantasy Characteristics of a Creative Person
Attracted to Complexity/Ambiguity Artistic Open-minded Thorough Needs Time Alone Perceptive Emotional Ethical Characteristics of a Creative Person
Heightening Anticipation Get Attention Arouse Curiosity Create The Desire To Know Heighten Anticipation and Expectation Tickle The Imagination Give Purpose and Motivation
Thank You For Coming!!!