Sports Medicine 1 HCR Ms. B
Encompasses many different fields of study related to sport including: Athletic Training Biomechanics Exercise Physiology Physical Therapy Sports Nutrition Sports Psychology
Professional organizations have many goals 1. to upgrade the field by devising and maintaining a set of professional standards, including a code of ethics 2. to bring together professionally competent individuals to exchange ideas, stimulate research and promote critical thinking 3. to give individuals an opportunity to work as a group with a singleness of purpose, to achieve goals that could achieve separately
Prevent as many injuries and/or illnesses as possible, treat them when they do occur, arrange complete rehabilitation programs so they can return as quickly and safely to their sport.
Communication Knowledge of the Sport
Active: play a vital role in helping the athlete progress towards full recovery Team Physician ATC Coaches Parents Athletic Director Family Physician Student Athletic Trainer
Responsibilities include: Injury Prevention First Aid Injury Management Injury Evaluation Designing and supervising a rehab program
Responsibilities include; Pre-participation physicals Diagnosing and treating illnesses and injuries Advising and teaching the ATC staff Counseling the athlete on health matters
Assistive: important but not vital in helping the athlete towards full recovery Medical Consultant Orthopedist Cardiologist Neurosurgeon General Surgeon Sports Psychologist PAs Dentist Allied Medical Personnel Health Care Administrator EMT Nursing Staff General Consultant Equipment manager Bio mechanist/Kinesiology Referees Nutritionist Strength Coach Physical Therapist
Skin Disease Infections Minor Irritations
Preseason dental exams Available for dental emergencies Conducting the fitting for mouth guards
Surgical Procedures Foot Biomechanics Fitting and Construction of orthotic devices
Advise athletes on training and conditioning programs Work with ATCs if an injury is present
Plans eating program to achieve the athlete’s individual goals
Highly knowledgeable regarding rules and regulations to keep athletes safe
Help improve performance Psychology of Injury Examples Sports Psychologist Mental Health Specialist
Well equipped/organized training room Standard procedures or protocols Record keeping system Educational Programs Program evaluation system
The sports medicine teams consists of primary and secondary medical professionals. The term Sports Medicine has many connotations, depending on which group is using it. The provision of health care to the athlete requires a TEAM approach.
Pick a Member of the Sports Medicine Team and create collage of their responsibilities to an athlete.