Middle School Parent Success 101 Presenters: Robin Hater Erica Leppert Chele McKissick
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Organization 7 Strategies to consider
Strategy #1: Use Checklists Get into the habit of keeping a “to-do” list Post assignments Post household chores Post needed materials for class Keep a dedicated list for homework assignments Cross off completed items to give a sense of accomplishment
Strategy #2: Organize Homework Assignments Prioritize assignments What should be done 1 st ? Start with one that is not too long and not too difficult Don’t save the longest/hardest for last Use the school planner to help Access online communication for clarification as needed
Strategy #3: Keep Organized Notebooks Use binders, notebooks, or folders to keep track of papers Use dividers or color-coded notebooks to separate class notes Separate “to do” and “done” folders can help organize worksheets, signed forms, etc. Remember different strategies work for different people!
Strategy #4: Conduct a Weekly Clean-Up Sort through book bags and notebooks or binders on a weekly basis Old tests and papers can be organized and kept at home Will help to “lighten the load” while also decluttering organization storage Encourage a similar practice with their locker at school
Strategy #5: Keep a Master Calendar Structure and consistency are key Use a large, wall-sized calendar to track family commitments Extra curricular activities Days off from school Major events at home and at school Note exam and project due dates Will help avoid scheduling conflicts
Strategy #6: Prepare for the Day Ahead Cut down on morning confusion Pack needed supplies (schoolwork, books, etc.) in book bag the night before Lay out clothes, shoes, accessories the night before
Strategy #7: Provide Support While Your Child is Figuring out Their Organizational Style Not all strategies work for everyone Encourage student to “try out” different styles of organization Remind them to use the strategies Make copies of checklists and schedules if needed
Homework 7 Strategies for Helping with Your Child
Strategy #1: Environment A homework space should: Be well lit Be quiet Be public (i.e.: living room, kitchen, etc.) Have easy access to required materials (pencils, paper, etc.)
Strategy #2: Getting Through It Establish a set time for doing homework each night. Chunking Set manageable goals for completing work. Make a plan that includes periodic breaks. Homework does not need to all be completed at one time. Use a homework contract to set expectations and consequences
Sample Homework Plan 2:30-3:00 TV show/video game 3:00-3:30 Language Arts Homework 3:30-4:00 Computer 4:00-4:30 Science Homework 4:30-5:00 TV show 5:00-5:30 Math Homework 5:30-6:30 Dinner 6:30-7:00 Social Studies Homework
Sample Homework Contract Homework Contract Homework Contract
Strategy #3: Giving Support Give help not answers Help your child research/find the answer
Strategy #4: Keep It Positive Have a positive attitude about homework. The attitude you have will be the attitude your child adopts. Give praise for effort. Create a reward system.
Strategy #5: Get Help If homework is taking your child too long (based on team info), contact their teacher.
Strategy #6: Plan Ahead Keep your family’s “master calendar” in mind when completing assignments. Your child may do more work one night and less another due to practices, appointments, etc. Create a detailed plan for completing long- term assignments. Studying should take place each night in addition to homework to avoid “cramming” the night before a test.
Strategy #7: Be Informed Know your child’s teachers’ expectations.
How do you communicate with parents? When/how often is Progress Book updated? Do you use Schoology, Weebly, or another website to keep parents updated? How long should nightly homework take? How do parents access online text books? Team Black Pearl (6-1) Progress Book notes /phone calls Planner notes Remind 101 Blogger The minimal expectation is weekly, but many teachers update this info daily Remind 101 Blogger: theblackpearlteam. blogspot.com 1 hour or less. It is given early in the week to allow choice and flexibility. This was sent home with students at the beginning of the year. Contact Robin O'Neal Mystic Topaz (6-2) Weekly newsletter Team website Team Remind 101 Progress Book notes Positive Post Cards Grade sheets for students with D's or F's Minimally at least once weekly. Grades are posted anonymously in all classrooms for students to view. Team website: www. gems6-2.com access extra worksheets, homework, news posted, etc. LA: 20 minutes silent reading (reading log) additional assignments (15 min) SCI: min./night SS: 20 minutes MA: 30 minutes Student planner has a sheet with all login information for websites and texts Onyx (6-3) Progress Book notes Team website Grades and homework are updated each week. Team website: Should take no more than 30 minutes each night. LA: listed on syllabus MA: Digits online SCI: contact Cindy Leazer 6 th Grade
How do you communicate with parents? When/how often is Progress Book updated? Do you use Schoology, Weebly, or another website to keep parents updated? How long should nightly homework take? How do parents access online text books? Sapphire (7-1) Team newsletter Progress Book notes Grades are updated each Monday A website is in the works, but the newsletter is the main form of communication currently No more than minutes Science m Math mymathuniverse.com Username: wcID # Password: success1 Diamond (7-2) Team newsletter Schoology: all assignments Progress Book: grades At least weeklySchoology. See Emily Malone for the access code About min/subjectScience m Math mymathuniverse.com Username: wcID # Password: success1 LA: posted on Schoology Star Quartz (7-3) Team newsletter Progress Book s/phone calls Team brochure Team website: Remind 101 Good news notecards Danger grade notices Assignments and grades are posted weekly Team website: About min/subjectMath Username: wcID # Password: success1 7 th Grade
How do you communicate with parents? When/how often is Progress Book updated? Do you use Schoology, Weebly, or another website to keep parents updated? How long should nightly homework take? How do parents access online text books? Jade (8-1) Progress Book Weekly parent 2-3 times per week depending on the length of the assignment Team website is being created Math: 30 minutes per subjectMath/Science: the front of the workbooks Ruby Reds (8-2) Progress Book Weekly parent s to come At least once a week by each teacher Working on setting up a schoology account. Should be up and running by 2nd quarter. Total time = hoursStudents were given access codes for all online texts. See Faith Manker Emerald (8-3) Weekly Friday sUsually on a weekly basis Working on setting up a schoology account LA: 30 min MA: min SCI: 30 min SS: min Science: Username: wcID # Password: success1 8 th Grade
Common Homework Problems and Solutions
Problem #1: Child does not do his or her best work. State expectations Set a mandatory homework time Praise hard work
Problem #2: Child refuses to do homework State expectations Set mandatory homework time Assess knowledge of material If it is too hard, contact teacher Establish consequences (contract) Work with teachers
Problem #3: Child forgets to bring homework home. State expectations Set responsibilities for bringing things home Set a mandatory homework time Work with teachers Use planner
Problem #4:Child takes all night to do homework State expectations Check learning environment for distractions Use a timer and set time limits for work
Problem #5: Child won’t do homework on his or her own State expectations Chunking (split difficult tasks into smaller more manageable steps) Be consistent Foster independence; give help without giving the answer
Problem #6: Child waits until last minute to do homework State expectations Set time for homework Use a calendar to organize project timelines and establish goals
Problem #7: Child won’t do homework if you’re not home State expectations Mandatory homework time Find a way to monitor-by phone, check work when you get home Praise
15 Minute Break Feel free to visit local student support agencies in the front lobby!
Progressbook and Schoology Navigating the Technology
Progressbook To log into your account you will need the parent login and password that was given to you at the beginning of the school year. To log into Progressbook you will go to You can also access the site through the Glen Este Middle School webpage.
Schoology Schoology.com is used for communication, homework, online discussion and posts. Students and parents will need to create an account and join the courses. To join courses you must enter the code for each class. Parent codes allow you to view the content but not submit answers or post. Let’s take a look –
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