MISST FY1 team meeting April 5-6, Miami, FL NOAA: Gary Wick, Eric Bayler, Ken Casey, Andy Harris, Tim Mavor Navy: Bruce Mckenzie, Charlie Barron NASA: Ed Armstrong RSMAS: Bob Evans, Peter Minnett WHOI: Brian Ward U.Colorado: Sandra Castro RSS: Chelle Gentemann
Topics for discussion Calculation of single sensor error statistics (SSES) for AVHRR, TMI, AMSR-E, MODIS, & GOES Implementation of SSES at Navy, RSS, NOAA Production of L2P: TMI, AMSR-E, AVHRR Diurnal Warming Skin-bulk models Analyses
FY1 Progress SSES for TMI, AMSR-E, AVHRR reports delivered : Our ability to accurately merge MW and IR data at 10 km depends on our ability to accurately calculate the bias and STD for each retrieval Results: 1)NRT TMI, AMSR-E, AVHRR matchup databases available online 2)Current SSES: TMI and AMSR-E biases /STD calculated from static lookup table (fnct of SST and wind speed)
Skin and Bulk Sea Surface Temperature Estimates from Passive Microwave and Thermal Infrared Satellite Imagery and their Relationships to Atmospheric Forcing, S. Castro, B. Emery, G. Wick, IGARSS 2004 Additional regional biases in TMI investigated: land contamination flag added, increase in STD when near land, and regional biases studied – related to stability of boundary layer, (water vapor, air temperature)
FY1 Progress Results: 4) AVHRR biases/STD calculated as a function of time of observation, month, channel differences, side of scan, latitude, scan angle 5) Report on estimation of errors due to aerosols: type of aerosol important Figure 3. Linear dependencies of ∂T i / ∂Χ on total clear-sky ( i.e. no aerosol) transmittance, simulated for desert aerosol. Report for JCSDA project on use of NAAPS Product for reducing aerosol-induced bias in AVHRR SST retrievals, A. Harris, NOAA-CICS, University of Maryland
FY1 Progress Initial diurnal warming code and sensitivity studies Fortran code with initial diurnal model supplied to MISST team, continuing development & reformulation scheduled for June. Gentemann, Chelle, C.J. Donlon, A. Stuart-Menteth, F.J. Wentz. “Diurnal Signals in Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Measurements”, GRL, 30(3), , 2003.
FY1 Progress In situ data and model sensitivity studies emphasis use of inst. wind speed. Insolation history most important if variability in morning. Consideration of rain possible ?
FY1 Progress SkinDeEP instrument w/ coincident M-AERI show vertical variability of diurnal amplitude Clouds result in cooling of top few centimeters
FY1 Progress Initial Skin-Bulk report CIRIMS skin radiometer compared to bulk temperature for a number of cruises. Clear dependence on wind speed similar to Donlon 2002 paper. Results indicate skin-bulk differences estimated well by wind speed model wind speed (m/s) SST Skin –Bulk (K) T= e (-u/3.7)
FY1 Progress Updates to operational Navy calculation of AVHRR errors FNMOC-Stennis now updates bias/STD daily. In operational data stream. Has added AOD for possible aerosol correction.
FY1 Progress Instrument simulator for Terra and AQUA MODIS time of observation
FY1 Progress L2P for AMSR-E in NRT, TMI in next month L2P AMSR-E: Data pushed to FNMOC and JPL in NRT Initial testing completed FR-MMR file created for each L2P file L2P TMI – coming soon! Update to SSES, diurnal model, formatting, additional meta-data: June 05
FY1 Ahead of Schedule 10km global OI SSTs –FNMOC: AVHRR only, global, NRT –RSS: TMI+AMSR-E+MODIS, global, still testing out SSES, diurnal modules, expected NRT in next 6 months –NOAA: OI code delivered for POES/GOES blended SST & Reynolds moving to daily 25 km OI analysis with NODC Pathfinder
FY2 Focus Improved error characterization – testing and feedback from users Improved diurnal modeling – testing new formulation, additional skin in situ data available Improved skin-bulk modeling – testing with new in situ data, possibly use new Tair developed by Wick More data (GOES, SEVIRI, ATSR global from MEDSPIRATION project, MODIS (?)) Better OI analysis – New methods based on experience from IR/MW blending