Introduction Getting the right perspective determines how we respond to truth. When Goliath came against the Israelites, the soldiers thought:
“He is big. We can never kill him.” David looked and said “He is so big, I cannot miss.” How do we reflect the fullness of God’s glorious truth?
1. HIS AUTHORITY. In Matt.28:18-20, Jesus emphasizes His authority over all things. He supplies us with the power and authority to complete His mission.
A.His power is over all heavenly and earthly powers of opposition.(Matt. 28:18-20) B.In Luke 24: His authority is available to any one who will go in His name and for His sake.
He will protect, propel and empower us for His name sake. His presence will go with us and give us rest, assurance and confidence.
We need not be worried about the results since we are called to obey and trust His name. C. John 20:21 – we are sent by Christ as he was sent by the Father.
Story Two battleships assigned to a training squadron. Heavy fog. See a steady light in the distance. “Signal the ship to change course – twenty degrees” says the captain.
Answer came back –”You change your course.” “I am a captain of a battle ship”. “ I am a Lighthouse.” The captain changed course.
2. HIS ENABLEMENT. Christ’s enablement gives us the means, resources and the strength to carry out His purpose for our life. a.Matt.28:18-20 – He is WITH US to the end of the age.
a.John 14:16,17 – Another Counselor to be with you forever. To give knowledge, insight and wisdom. Very often, we neglect spiritual maintenance even though we are “clothed with power” – Luke 24:49.
c. Acts 1:8 – The Spirit’s power is perfectly set to supply each of us. He will infuse you with motivation, strength and energy. Story Rose parade in America. A beautiful float suddenly runs out of petrol.
Someone runs to buy petrol. The float belonged to the Standard Oil Company which has vast resources of oil.
3. HIS MESSAGE. Not enough to just preach the Gospel but we are to teach it. We must first be informed, then persuaded, then taught to teach others.
Let us teach transformation and not just for information sake. We need to be examples of Christ’s so that others can imitate Him – Luke 6:40
Find the best ways to disciple others. Nearly 90% of people listen to their family and friends. Preach the whole counsel of God.
Speak in love so that people will be able to grow up in Christ. We are seeking followers not babies.
4. HIS GUIDANCE In order to accomplish the Great Commission, we must gain skills in teaching, disciple –making and be ready to go to different people groups. There are about 18,800 people groups.
Approximately 2.7 billion people have yet to hear the gospel. We need to cooperate with people around the globe to do God’s will.
Conclusion Story Shoe manufacturer sent two sales men to explore the Congo market. One ed back: “Prospects nil. No one wears shoes.”
The other: “market potential terrific. Everyone is barefooted.” There are many longing and waiting to hear the message. It will rescue them from misery, pain, sin and judgment. What is our response? How do we look at it?