John Cage 4’33”
Does the world manifest God, or are the world and God the same? Explain. Is there a difference between God and Nature? The fact that "nature is orderly" is self evident and ubiquitous. How does this make you view nature? How have humans attempted to alter the natural, God given order of the Earth?
Does it matter? What is inspiration ? Silence and Art
Do you think that art and music has gotten less impactful because the artists have been distracted by other things?
Yen Mah talks about how she channeled her feelings into her writing. Do you ever do the same thing with your specific outlet, such as theatre, art, writing, dance, sport, etc?
How does our God satisfy our senses of beauty, truth, goodness, and order? (pg.236)
How do the empty spaces (silences) of a piece of art communicate?
Are we merely attempting to approach the perfection of Nature in the creation of our art? What makes things beautiful? What is the source "of everything good, truthful, beautiful, and intelligent"?
What are humans all searching for? And why are we searching for it?
Why do the things left unstated, unexpressed, and unsketched add to the artwork and make us feel more spiritual?
Beauty? Truth? Goodness? Order? On page 236, Yen Mah talks about how we are all looking for that "something" we are unable to express. How is that "something" different for a Christian and a Buddhist?
How does Yen Mah illustrate how nearly every religion, God centered or not, is connected and interwoven with many others to form a single adamant idea: we are not an accident? Is she correct? How does reason figure into her conclusions? How is she correct in that we feel emptiness when searching for money and material things, and that we are searching for something bigger? How does Yen Mah illustrate how nearly every religion, God centered or not, is connected and interwoven with many others to form a single adamant idea: we are not an accident? Is she correct? How does reason figure into her conclusions? How is she correct in that we feel emptiness when searching for money and material things, and that we are searching for something bigger?
What does Yen Mah discover at the end of the book that she's been endlessly searching for? Does she really find it? What Truth is everyone really seeking? Do you believe you should search out ‘enlightenment’ or that God will reveal everything you need to know in his own time?
Pope John Paul proposed that even non-Christian religions are all reflections of one truth. What is this truth? On page 234, the author says that "religions are gradually coalescing into a single entity." If we look at the meaning of the word "religion", it comes from a Latin root meaning "reconnect." Is it possible that, in the future, people are going to have a "fusion of creeds"? Will we have one religion that will be accepted by Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus and other religions alike? The book mentions that many religions are becoming unified due to recent scientific discoveries. How does our knowledge of science bring religions together?
On page 230 in Watching the Tree you’ll find the quote “Be still, and know that Heaven is close at hand”. Which verse in the Bible does this quote resemble and why is this such an important concept in one’s walk with Christ?