O UR P EOPLE, O UR F AMILY, O UR R OOTS Jews – The People of God Jesus = Jewish Hopes and Dreams Language Jewish Prayers Celebrated Jewish feast days Read Scriptures Jesus’ story is OUR STORY
T HE N EED FOR A S ENSE OF THE P AST Without a history/story, we would be lost and confused! Catholic Chrisitianity comes from JUDAISM (religion of the Jews) – 4,000 years old
T HE B EGINNINGS OF A P EOPLE Abraham 1800 years before Jesus Hebrews – Tribal people Shepherd Sarah (Wife) – no children and was old God called Abraham God’s promise to him Relationship and Trust in God = Covenant Canaan – The Promised Land Male children were circumcised (Physical Covenant)
T HE O NE G OD What kind of world did Abraham live in? POLYTHEISM - belief in many gods He realized that there is only ONE Abraham developed what type of belief? MONOTHEISM – belief in only ONE God JUDAISM, CHRISTIANITY, and ISLAM – come from Abraham
A BRAHAM ’ S DESCENDANTS, THE I SRAELITES Abraham and Sarah’s son = ISAAC Isaac and Rebekah’s son = Jacob Jacob = ISRAEL “One who has contended with divine and human beings” Israelites = Jews Patriarchs of Judaism – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob Matriarchs – Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel
J OSEPH IN E GYPT Jacob and Rachel had 12 sons JOSEPH was the favorite Sold as slave in Egypt Virtuous and talented Invited family to leave Canaan to Egypt Lived a happy life with Egyptian pharoahs
M OSES, T HE P EOPLE ’ S G REATEST L EADER Egypt became cruel for Israelites Hundreds of years after Joseph came MOSES Son of Hebrew slaves God called him on a mission Yahweh was revealed – “I AM WHO I AM”
T HE E XODUS : E SCAPE FROM S LAVERY Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt EXODUS – Central story of God’s saving love for Israel Return to Canaan, the Promised Land When in doubt, they remember that God had acted directly in their lives and their history Moses always trusted in God Israelites complained, but God saved them PASSOVER – Jewish feast to remember Exodus Special meal - Sedar
T HE S INAI C OVENANT Mount Sinai – Waited for Moses for direction Moses met Yahweh BOOK OF EXODUS – God sealed the loving relationship with the people that had begun with the promise to Abraham hundreds of years before Sinai Covenant – Pledge between God and Israelites God gave moses the Law (Mosaic Law or Ten Commandments)
A L AW THAT F REES Ten Commandments The Law was not meant to limit our freedom or lock us in PROMOTES FREEDOM How to love God and one’s neighbor Foundation of morality Mosaic Law was a way of expressing their love and concern for one another and their devotion to the God who had freed them Jesus criticized those who live by the letter of the law, he loved it and did not want to see it misused
W ANDERING FOR 40 YEARS Israelites waited and waited and waited… Israelites built and idol of metal – a golden calf Had festivals to honor it Worshiping false god For 40 years they were lost and wandered, but they TRUSTED GOD who saved them
T HE P ROMISED L AND Moses did not make it to the Promised Land Promised Land – Palestine, Israel, or the Holy Land Joshua – Moses assistant led the Israelites to Canaan War occurred Israelites came to doubt God more More disasters came
A K INGDOM FOR THE ISRAELITES Israelites – divided in 12 tribes King David Shepherd and soldier Chosen by God and anointed by Samual (prophet) Was king 1000 years before Jesus Jerusalem = Capital Many flaws and failures but always devoted to Yahweh and kept people faithful toward the Covenant The people always turned to the descendants of DAVID King Solomon – Built Temple in Jerusalem David’s story teaches us that we can make mistakes and fail, but God will still use us!
P ROBLEMS During King Solomon’s reign: Kingdom split – Northern (Israel) and Southern (Judah) After King Solomon Kings were corrupt Injustice to the poor Worship of false gods People were not cared for
P ROPHETS Isaiah was one of the greatest prophets Prophets questioned the injustices Role was to say what would happen if people did not change their harden hearts Critics of their society Outsiders and loners speaking the truth