District Heating Typical range of power 500 kWth – 20 MWth Optimum size about 1 MWth Consumption about tons/year compatible with local availability Reduced impact Repeatability Contained costs District heating pipe Boiler Chips cost 40 – 60 Euro/tons Heat cost cEuro/kWh
CHP Combined production of Electric and Thermal power from biomass Technologies –Steam (classical Rankine Cycle) Power range 5 MWe 20 MWe Annual use of wood higher than tons/year Efficiency about 15-25% –Organic Rankine Cycle Power range 450 kWe 1.5 MWe Annual use of wood from to tons/year Efficiency about 15% Green Certificate To improve the production of electricity from renewable energy source GREEN CERTIFICATES (about 10 c€ per kWh) ORC Turbogenerator
Pellets boiler – Typical installations 8-10 kWth –Domestic heating –Production of hot air –Consumption: 0,6 – 2,1 Kg/h –Cost: – Euro 25 kWth –Small houses –Production of hot water and hot air –Consumption about 5 kg/h –Cost – Euro 110 kWth –Buildings –Production of hot water –Consumption about 20 kg/h – – Euro –It needs place to store Pellets boiler
E. Logistic systems Chainsaw Transportation system with mobile engine Timberjack (less used) Tractors (in most of cases) SUPPLY CHAIN
Cut off using chainsaw Measurement and section Transportation with tractor Supply chain - 1
Supply chain - 2 Transportation system with mobile engine Transportation with track trailer Truck loading Heavy mobile chips machine
Next deliverables (short term) List of regional stakeholder Analysis of wood resources and energy Demand Catalogue of technologies and logistic systems
Proposals for next deliverables Common template for deliverables Set deadlines for deliverables Next study tour: where ? when ? focus on: technologies ? Logistic systems ?