The Hebrew Bible Ca. 1000-300 BCE
The world’s most influential text The sacred text of Judaism Have inspired two other major world religions: Christianity & Islam Supremely important cultural and historical documents
Studying it as literature Narrative techniques Imagery Characterization Point of view
Encompassing rich variety of texts composed in poetry & prose & mixed composed not by a single human hand Woven together from different periods types: historical narrative; short story genealogy; proverbs; laws visionary narrative lyric poetry
A collage redacted into a single master story Often odd contradictions and repetitions in the narrative (ex. Noah and the flood) Different original strands, each of which has its distinct stylistic features and perspectives Ex. The name for God: ---YHWH; Jehovah; Elohim (/e-lō-hēm/)
Our selections: Genesis and Job The most important element: ---A complex ethical concern with how human suffering and prosperity come about and what role God plays in shaping human lives
A master story Sources put together with great skill Result: a text of extraordinary literary, philosophical, and theological richness
No easy answers God’s ways are mysterious
Supplementary Notes
Torah: (律法五書/摩西五書) Meaning: “instruction; guidance” & “law” Another name: “Pentateuch”—”five scroll” Artificial division A continuous story: the world Jews as focus --creation of the world --sojourn in Egypt and the exodus --subsequent wandering led by Moses --Moses’ death before entering the promised land
The Key Concept in Torah--Laws Given by God to Moses Passed on by Moses to his people Mount Sinai: location of God’s revelation Contents: --Ten Commandments: to guide individual life --cult & ritual
The Concept of Covenant “Testament”: covenant; contract God’s covenant with: --Adam (ancestor of human beings) --Abraham & Sarah (the forefathers of Hebrews) --Isaac & Rebekah --Jacob & Leah + Rachel --Joseph & brothers
After Reading
God’s mysterious ways The relation between human behavior and divine favor is shown to deeply mysterious ---Abel over Cain ---Noah & Abraham over all other humans ---Isaac over Ishmael ---Jacob over Esau ---Joseph over his brothers ---the Hebrews over other ethnic groups
God’s mysterious ways In none of these cases are we given an explanation, let alone a moral justification. (Why God chose Abram in the first place?) God even allows his favorites, such as Jacob, Joseph, and Job, to suffer terrible hardship before restoring them to prosperity. God’s power is the major force in all of human history.
The Overall Meaning of the Hebrew Bible To show human inadequacy and God’s omnipotence