Section 2: Hebrews
Known as Israelites 1 st Civilization to practice monotheism Belief in only 1 God Religion known as Judaism Were nomadic traders Traveled from Ur to Mediterranean by foot
God of Abraham Yahweh (god) made a deal w/ Abraham If obeyed his trust, his family could live in Canaan 4ever. Yahweh did only what was just & right Jacob (Abraham’s grandson) had 12 children which made 12 tribes Settled in Egypt in 1900 BC b/c of drought
Moses & 10 Commandments Exodus Led by Moses, Hebrews escaped to Sinai Desert b/c they were Egyptian slaves for 600 years Moses met with Yahweh on Mt. Sinai Promised to bring them back to Canaan if they followed the 10 Commandments Believed in social justice Right to be treated fairly
Promised Land Joshua = new leader Life Farmers & shepherds Borrowed tools & alphabet from Canaanites Lived in 1 room homes Split into 2 levels
Kings After Joshua died, 12 tribes split Led by Council of Elders David became King Reunited Hebrews & defeated Canaanites Established Jerusalem as capital Wrote psalms (sacred songs)
Solomon was next King Trade & treaties w/ new nations Built Solomon’s temple from limestone & gold Never has been discovered After Solomon’s death, Hebrews split North = Israel South = ruled from Jerusalem or Judah
Prophets People claiming to have messages from Yahweh Criticized way ppl lived & said Yahweh was god of everyone 722 BC – neighbors made North Israelites disappear 586 BC – Judeans forced to Babylonia Established the Sabbath 516 BC – moved back to Jerusalem Scribe Ezra wrote law of Moses = Torah