Vocabulary A Conquering People A Free People An Enslaved People Reflection
A Conquering People – 10 Points QUESTION: What did the Israelites believe about casting lots? ANSWER: The outcome was an expression of God’s will.
A Conquering People– 20 Points QUESTION: What was the pattern recorded in the Book of Judges teaching God’s people? ANSWER: To keep their part of the covenant.
A Conquering People – 30 Points QUESTION: What was Samson’s weakness? (His internal weakness, not what would make him lose his strength) ANSWER: His weakness was that he used his gifts for personal revenge after his wife and family were murdered.
A Conquering People – 40 Points QUESTION: How did Samson symbolize the Israelite nation? – 3 ways ANSWER: He was guided by God He was dedicated to God He broke his promises, returned to God, and was blessed again.
A Conquering People – 50 Points QUESTION: In what ways did Ruth show her devotion to her mother-in- law? ANSWER: Ruth leaves her home, finds ways to feed both of them, and cares for Naomi.
A Free People – 10 Points QUESTION: What do the Ten Commandments have to do with being disciples of Christ? ANSWER: By obeying the commandments, we show love for God and others.
A Free People – 20 Points QUESTION: When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, why was he annoyed with the Israelites? ANSWER: They had turned away from God.
A Free People – 30 Points QUESTION: What is the Hebrew name for the Book of Numbers ANSWER: In Hebrew, the name means “In the desert.”
A Free People– 40 Points QUESTION: What was the symbolism of the cloud in the Book of Numbers? ANSWER: God’s presence leading his people.
A Free People – 50 Points QUESTION: Who guided the Israelites to the promised land? ANSWER: God himself guided the Israelites.
An Enslaved People – 10 Points QUESTION: Why did Moses have to flee Egypt? ANSWER: He killed an Egyptian.
An Enslaved People – 20 Points QUESTION: What happened at the burning bush? ANSWER: God revealed himself to Moses and told him to return to Egypt to lead the people to freedom.
An Enslaved People – 30 Points QUESTION: What did God ask Moses to do? ANSWER: God asked Moses to lead the Israelites to Freedom.
An Enslaved People – 40 Points QUESTION: What did the plagues represent? ANSWER: God’s power.
An Enslaved People – 50 Points QUESTION: What do the waters of the Red Sea symbolize for Christians? ANSWER: They symbolize the saving waters of Baptism.
Reflection – 10 Points QUESTION: How did God help the Israelites out of Egypt? ANSWER: God helped them through the leadership of Moses and the plagues.
Reflection – 20 Points QUESTION: When the Israelites were in the wilderness, how did God show his faithfulness? ANSWER: God did so by providing food and drink.
Reflection – 30 Points QUESTION: Why did God give his people the law? ANSWER: So they could keep their covenant relationship with God.
Reflection – 40 Points QUESTION: What do we celebrate at every Mass? ANSWER: The new covenant between God and his people, sealed with the blood of Jesus.
Reflection – 50 Points QUESTION: What did Samson have in common with Deborah? ANSWER: They were both judges.
Vocabulary – 10 Points QUESTION: What is the Biblical word describing the Israelites’ departure from slavery to freedom? ANSWER: Exodus
Vocabulary – 20 Points QUESTION: What is the event in which God passed over the whole of Egypt, taking the lives of every firstborn Egyptian and sparing the Israelites? ANSWER: Passover
Vocabulary – 30 Points QUESTION: What is an extraordinary event that is beyond human power and brought about by God? ANSWER: Miracle.
Vocabulary – 40 Points QUESTION: What is the sweet bread-like food that God provided for the Israelites in the desert? ANSWER: Manna
Vocabulary – 50 Points QUESTION: What is the name of a person consecrated to God who promised not to drink wine or strong drink, touch anyone or anything that had died, or cut or shave his or her hair? ANSWER: Nazirite