Definition of Convection This is how heat energy flows from a hot to cold region of a substance by being carried by the molecules of the substance moving from the hot to cold region. July 2005 web site:
web site: Convection in fluids A fluid is a liquid or a gas. Molecules move more quickly and occupy more space when they are heated. Hotter fluids are therefore less dense than colder fluids. Hotter fluids rise up to float on top of colder fluids. A convection current is the path taken by rising hot fluids and sinking cold fluids. Convection does not occur in solids. July 2005 web site:
web site: Convection in water Potassium permanganate crystals are used to dye water purple.. When the bottom of the flask of water is heated warm less dense water rises. The potassium permanganate dye rises with the warmed water. When the water cools it becomes denser and sinks down to the bottom of the flask. July 2005 web site:
House water heating system The boiler heats the water. Hot water rises to the top of the boiler and up to the top of the storage tank. Colder water in the tank falls to the bottom of the boiler to be heater. A hot water tap draws water from the top of the storage tank. The cold water supply replenishes the the hot water drawn off. July 2005 web site:
Engine water cooling system Water heated by the engine rises to the top of the engine. This water is pumped into the top of the radiator. The fan cools the water in the radiator. Cooled water falls from the radiator into the engine. July 2005 web site:
web site: Hot air rises Heated air provides lift for a hot air balloon. Heated land causes rising air currents called thermals. Thermals can be used by gliders to provide lift. Many birds also use thermals for lift. July 2005 web site:
web site: Sea and land breezes During a hot day heated air rises up from land that is warmer than the sea. Cooler air moves in from the sea to replace the heated air. This is the sea breeze. At night the sea is often warmer than the land. Air now flows to the sea. This is called a land breeze. July 2005 web site:
Simple mine ventilation The fire causes hot air to rise up the shaft above it. Cooler, fresher air is drawn down the other shaft. July 2005 web site:
web site: Question 1 Choose appropriate words to fill the gaps in the paragraph below: Convection is a method of heat transfer that only occurs in ________ (liquids and ________). When part of a fluid is heated the ___________ in that region move more ______ and take up more space. The heated fluid expands and becomes less _______ than the surrounding cooler fluid. The heated fluid _______ on top of the cooler fluid. The upward path of the heated fluid is called a ____________current. July 2005 web site:
web site: Question 2 Explain why a hot drink will cool more slowly if a lid is put on the top of the drink, clouds are often formed at the top of thermals, top loading freezers are more efficient than those with side doors, hot water radiators are best placed\under a window. July 2005 web site:
web site: Simulations Energy House Simulation. For instructions click here. July 2005 web site:
web site: Puzzles Convection Crossword – by KT July 2005 web site:
web site: Related Presentaions Thermal Conduction Powerpoint by KT Thermal Radiation Powerpoint by KT Evaporation Powerpoint by KT Heat Energy Transfer Powerpoint by KT July 2005 web site: