Thank you for coming to and for taking a look at the lessons I have added. These lessons are the result of years of teaching Sunday.


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Presentation transcript:

Thank you for coming to and for taking a look at the lessons I have added. These lessons are the result of years of teaching Sunday school at an Elementary level. God has richly blessed me in being able to share His Word with thousands of young people. It is now my privilege to share them with you. Please feel free to use them with your class, wherever God has planted you. The only think I ask is that you drop me a line and let me know who you are and how the lessons are working for you. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated. God Bless you, Sam God Bless

Bible Story-time The Betrayal of the Brother-hood! (the golden calf) Exodus 32:1-35

What are some things you HATE to wait for?? Story-time… Do you like to wait? What are some GOOD things about waiting??

Our story today is out of the book of Exodus. I’m going to need some helpers to tell the story today… Moses Aaron (Moses’ brother and 2 nd in charge) The Children of Israel Story-time

The Children of Israel are camped out in the wilderness, waiting to enter the Promised Land and they have been through SO MUCH! Let’s think of some things that they have been through so far… (Let’s start with them in captivity under Pharaoh) Udder Disaster Now God wants to get them ready to enter His holy land and to inherit the great lives that He has planned for them. But God knows if they are going to be successful in this new life, they will need rules to live by.

Mt. Sinai God called Moses to a “Business Meeting” on this mountain and left Aaron in charge of things while he was gone. The people didn’t see Moses for a very long time. All they saw on the mountain were flashes of lightning. All they heard was the rumble of thunder.

Mt. Sinai God called Moses to a “Business Meeting” on this mountain and left Aaron in charge of things while he was gone. So, the people waited for Moses. And they waited and they waited and they waited.

Mt. Sinai They waited until they forgot all about everything God had done, and they couldn’t wait anymore. Then they decided to have a meeting with Aaron. So, the people waited for Moses. And they waited and they waited and they waited.

What do you think they talked to Aaron about? I’m sure they had many meetings We want to get out of here! We want to go back to Egypt. We want more food!! We want to watch more T.V. We want to have more fun. Do you think Aaron got tired of all this complaining?

God was doing something amazing with Moses! He was giving him the Ten Commandments. The rules that the Children of Israel were to live by. Meanwhile, up on Mt. Sinai

The Israelites have decided that Moses is not coming back so they persuade Aaron to build them a golden calf to worship instead of God… And Aaron eventually goes along with this crazy scheme! But back to the impatient Israelites. That does not sound like they are being true to their friend Moses, does it? (or to God!)

They said to Aaron: “Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him.” Exodus 32:1 But back to the impatient Israelites.

What do you think Moses is going to say when he comes back from meeting with God? The people were singing and dancing wildly around the golden calf. Moses was so angry that he raised the stone tablets of God’s laws in the air and threw them down and smashed them on the rocks.

What do you think Moses is going to say when he comes back from meeting with God? Moses took the calf statue and tossed it into the fire. When the calf had burned up, Moses ground up what was left of it into ashes. Then he threw the ashes into the water. And he made the disobedient, impatient Israelites drink it!!

Because the people got impatient waiting for God, they forgot all He had done to rescue them from Egypt. They forgot the countless times God had provided for them and protected them. They forgot the truth that they could always trust God. You and I need to be careful that we don’t get impatient when we are waiting, or we might forget the truth just like the Israelites and hurt the ones we love.