Management Information Systems Managing Information Technology in the Business Enterprise
Telecommunications and Networks Chapter 4 Telecommunications and Networks
Learning Objectives Identify major developments and trends in the industries, technologies, and business applications of telecommunications and Internet technologies. Provide examples of the business value of Internet, intranet, and extranet applications.
Learning Objectives (continued) Identify the basic components, functions, and types of telecommunications networks used in business. Explain the functions of major types of telecommunications network hardware, software, media, and services.
The Networked Enterprise Section I The Networked Enterprise
Networking the Enterprise Networking business and employees Connecting them to customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.
Trends in Telecommunications
Industry Trends Deregulated market Rapid growth More competitive More options for the firm
Technology Trends Unrestricted connectivity Internet based platform Open systems with common standards for hardware, software, applications, & networking. Interoperability between applications Fibre-optic and wireless media for high-speed connections
Technology Trends (continued) Digital networks Higher transmission speeds Moves larger amounts of information Greater economy Lower error rates Multiple types of communications on the same circuits
Application Trends Dramatic increase in the number of feasible telecommunication applications. Cut costs, reduce lead times, shorten response times, support e-commerce, improve collaboration, share resources, lock in customers & suppliers, & develop new products & services
Business Value of Telecommunications Networks
The Internet A network of networks Popular uses E-mail Instant messaging Browsing the World Wide Web Newsgroups and chat rooms
Business Value of the Internet
Intranets Communicates within an organization Uses Internet technologies
Business value of Intranets Used for information sharing, communication, collaboration, & support of business processes. Web publishing is comparatively easy, attractive, & lower cost alternative for publishing & accessing multimedia Business Operations & Management Used for developing & deploying critical business applications Supports operations and managerial decision making
Extranets Network links that use Internet technologies to interconnect the firm’s intranet with the intranets of customers, suppliers, or other business partners Consultants, subcontractors, business prospects, & others
Business value of Extranets Gain competitive advantage in Product development Cost savings Improve communication with customers and business partners Marketing Distribution Leveraging their partnerships
Telecommunications Network Alternatives Section II Telecommunications Network Alternatives
Telecommunications Network Alternatives
A Telecommunications Network Model
Basic Components of a Network Model Terminals Any input/output device that uses telecommunication networks to transmit or receive data Telecommunication processors Support data transmission and reception between terminals and computers
Basic Components of a Network Model (continued) Telecommunications channels The medium over which data are transmitted and received Computers Interconnected by telecommunications networks Telecommunications control software Control telecommunications activities & manage the functions of telecommunications networks
Types of Telecommunications Networks Wide Area Networks (WAN) Cover a large geographic area. Local Area Networks (LAN) Connect computers & other information processing devices within a limited physical area. Connected via ordinary telephone wiring, coaxial cable, or wireless radio & infrared systems
Types of Telecommunications Networks (continued) Virtual Private Networks A secure network that uses the Internet as its main backbone network, but relies on fire walls and other security features
Types of Telecommunications Networks (continued)
Types of Telecommunications Networks (continued) Client/Server Networks Clients – end user PCs or NCs Server – helps with application processing and also manages the network
Types of Telecommunications Networks (continued)
Types of Telecommunications Networks (continued) Network computing “the network is the computer” Thin clients process small application programs called “applets.”
Types of Telecommunications Networks (continued) Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Two major models Central server architecture Pure peer-to-peer
Telecommunications Media Twisted-pair wire Coaxial cable Minimizes interference and distortion Allows high-speed data transmission Fiber optics Glass fiber that conducts pulses of light generated by lasers Size and weight reduction Increased speed and carrying capacity
Telecommunications Media (continued)
Wireless Technologies Terrestrial Microwave Line-of-sight path between relay stations spaced approximately 30 miles apart. Communications Satellites Geosynchronous orbits Serve as relay stations for communications signals transmitted from earth stations
Wireless Technologies (continued) Cellular & PCS Systems Each cell is typically from one to several square miles in area. Each cell has its own low-power transmitter or radio relay antenna. Computers & other communications processors coordinate & control the transmissions to/from mobile users as they move from one cell to another
Wireless Technologies (continued) Wireless LANs Spread spectrum Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity) Wireless Web Uses Web-enabled information appliances Very thin clients
Telecommunications Processors Modems (modulation/demodulation) Changes signals from analog to digital and back to analog Multiplexers Allows a single communication channel to carry simultaneous data transmissions from many terminals
Telecommunications Processors (continued) Internetwork Processors Switches Makes connections between telecomm circuits so a message can reach its intended destination Router Interconnects networks based on different rules or protocols
Telecommunications Processors (continued) Hub Port switching communications processor Gateway A processor that interconnects networks that use different communications architecture
Telecommunications Software Provides a variety of communications support services including connecting & disconnecting communications links & establishing communications parameters such as transmission speed, mode, and direction.
Network Management Software Traffic management Security Network monitoring Capacity planning
Network Topologies Star Ties end user computers to a central computer Considered the least reliable Ring (sometimes called Token Ring) Ties local computer processors together in a ring on a more equal basis. Considered more reliable & less costly
Network Topologies (continued) Bus Local processors share the same bus, or communications channel Tree is a variation which ties several bus networks together
Network Topologies (continued)
Network Architectures & Protocols A standard set of rules & procedures for the control of communications in a network Standards for the physical characteristics of cables and connectors Network Architecture Goal is to promote an open, simple, flexible, efficient telecommunications environment
Network Architectures and Protocols (continued) OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Model 7 layer network model TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Used by the Internet and all intranets and extranets
Bandwidth Alternatives Bandwidth is the frequency range of a telecommunications network Determines the channel’s maximum transmission rate Measured in bits per second (bps) or baud Narrow-band Low-speed transmission Broadband High-speed transmission
Switching Alternatives Circuit switching Packet switching Cell switching
Summary Network use will increase The Internet enables many new services Internet improves costs, revenues, services Intranets provide internal links to employees Extranets link externally to customers, suppliers Networks consist of terminals, processors, channels, computers, and software Network choices include processors, media, and software
Discussion Questions The Internet is the driving force behind developments in telecommunications, networks, and other information technologies. Do you agree or disagree? How is the trend toward open systems, connectivity, and interoperability related to business use of the Internet, intranets, and extranets?
Discussion Questions (continued) How will wireless information appliances and services affect the business use of the Internet and the Web? What are some of the business benefits and management challenges of client/server networks? Network computing? Peer-to-peer networks?
Discussion Questions (continued) What is the business value driving so many companies to rapidly install and extend intranets throughout their organizations? What strategic competitive benefits do you see in a company’s use of extranets?
Discussion Questions (continued) Do you think that business use of the Internet, intranets, and extranets has changed what business people expect from information technology in their jobs? Do you believe that the insatiable demand for everything wireless, video, and Web-enabled will be the driving force behind developments in telecommunications, networking, and computing technologies for the foreseeable future?
Real World Case 1 – Sierra Wireless What is the value of a wireless communications system? What are some disadvantages and limitations of a wireless network? Would you prefer a wireless laptop to a networked PC in your work environment? Which application is most likely to bring success to wireless e-commerce?
Real World Case 2 – Axia SuperNet Ltd. What are the benefits and limitations of broadband communications lines?| What are the possible benefits of Alberta’s SuperNet infrastructure? What are the managerial issues in implementing SuperNet? Should other Canadian provinces develop a system like SuperNet?
Real World Case 3 – FedEx versus UPS Why does telecommunications play such a key role in the competition between FedEx and UPS? Why does “information about the package” have such a strategic business value in the express delivery business?
Real World Case 3 (continued) What telecommunications products or services would you recommend that FedEx or UPS use to improve their competitive position in the overnight delivery and shipping business? Consider the different management styles of FedEx and UPS. What makes them work?
Real World Case 3 (continued) What other IT or web-based services could FedEx and UPS offer their business or consumer customers?