Canada’s Voluntary Sector Emerging from the Margins Paul Carrick Founder CAUSE Canada
There are over 160,000 nonprofit and voluntary organizations in Canada. That’s 1 nonprofit for every 197 Canadians! Canadian nonprofit and voluntary organizations report 139 million individual memberships. That’s almost 4 memberships for every Canadian!
54% of Canada’s nonprofits rely entirely on volunteer labour. 19 million volunteers contribute more than 2 billion hours/year to Canadian nonprofits. That’s equivalent to 1 million full-time jobs!
Canadian nonprofits have annual revenues of $112 billion. More than $8 billion of revenues are in the form of individual donations! Canadian nonprofits employ over 2 million people. 56% of these jobs are full-time and 67% are permanent positions.
June 28: Memorial Day for Canadian Foreign Aid Workers June 28, 2011: the 10-year anniversary of the unveiling of the Monument to Canadian Aid Workers in Ottawa
The Monument’s 3 Key Messages: 1) Commemoration of Canada's commitment to international development and humanitarian assistance… 2) A tribute to all Canadians who die while pursuing the ideals of international development and humanitarian assistance and acknowledgement of the risk they face in the course of their work… 3) Special dedication to Tim Stone and Nancy Malloy, who inspired the idea of the Monument.
Julie Descoteaux Lesley Ann Wren Shirley Ray Stephen Flower Raya Pearlman Fr. Joe A. MacDonald Pat Gleason Lynn Caroline Dalziel Charles Topshee Shirley Case Jacqueline Kirk Nicolas Parenteau Elmer Arias Chinchilla Stewart Sutherland Isabelle Pelletier Jennifer Headley Sally Miller François-Jacques Roussin Scott Mackie Christopher Klein-Beekman Jean-Claude Lauzier Errol Van Huyssteen Louis Vincent St-Hilaire-Gravel Vatche Arslanian John Scoggan María Jesús Ginés Dina Awate Bob & Ruth Chapman Jean-Pierre Prud'homme Gordon Reay Michelle Spencer-Yates Renee Sabatier Dan Rowan Katherine Fleming Ron Audette Anthony Wielemaker Tim Stone Nancy Malloy Hendrick Marinus Abma Chantal Lapaire Susan Lesjak Suzanne Séguin-Goertz Otto Roesch Jean-Claude Cloutier Michael Walsh Peter Kennedy John Murrant Yves Masson Louise Roy Rebecca Reiss Patricia Moro Jill McMaster Patricia Harland Dan O'Hanley Norm Tattersal Alan Masters Joan Conway Rita Wall Dan Duffy William Russon Dr. Maria Rovers Brian Krempien Rhena Lee Hymovithch Jonathan James Fyles Dr. John Dobson Mory Lewis Jennifer Green Max Bus Alexander McLelland Larry Garinger Willie Arsenault Marie O'Keefe Kona Matthews Carmen Matthews Marc Radomsky Heidi Trahmel Gordon Findlay Virginia Price Clément Boulanger Norman Riley Chris Oram Ann Oram Bryan James Ed Reid William George Howard Margaret Mariner Alan Kempton Terrence Farebrother Micheline Billette Claire Miller Cicely Cornelius Jamie Brooks Mark Andrew Ondrus Francine Gregoire Louise Toupin Leo Nederveen Jack William Koster Harry J.H. Durance