Developing Setting Creative Writing Techniques Mrs. McLaughlin
Choose a Setting Gingerbread House Haunted House A Cave Treehouse WRITE YOUR SETTING HERE
Descriptive Words Example: the lonely shack 1. Creaking floors of the rocking boat Directions: Write 10 descriptive phrases for your setting.
Alliteration & Consonance Directions: Write 3 alliterated statements & 3 consonated statements. Alliteration: The beginning sounds in a statement is repeated. Example: The chilly chunks of chips melted like chocolate syrup inside my cheeks Consonance: Sounds are repeated throughout the statement in any part of the word, as long as it’s a consonant not a vowel. Example: The babbling brook bubbled with blue crabs
Similes & Metaphors Directions:Write 3 similes and 3 metaphors. Similes: Compare 2 things using like or as Example: The classroom is like my home with its cozy and comfortable atmosphere. 1: 2: 3: Metaphors: Compare 2 things NOT using like or as Example: My sister is a sly fox always getting away with trouble
Personification Directions: Write 4 personified statements. Personification: Non-human things are given human traits. Example: The cold wind whispered for me to go home
Onomatopoeia Directions: Write four statements using onomatopoeia Onomatopoeia: A word that sounds like what it means. Example: The floors of the house creek even when you tiptoe on them
Choose a Title Choose a creative title that uses either an onomatopoeia, alliteration, simile, metaphor, or a personification. Your Title:
Now you’re ready to write! Using your slides as your guide, write a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs about your setting. Each paragraph should have a minimum of 6 sentences. Each sentence should be about 6-8 words long. Use Word to write your setting. Be sure sentences flow! Have fun!