DNS Quality Plan
2 Three main axes : Measures to improve the quality of our services Measures to improve the quality of our fleet Measures to enhance cooperation with authorities DNS Quality Plan
3 1.Training of new surveyors 2.Surveyor’s certification scheme 3.New Qualification and Certification database 4.Continuous training - Rolling out of DNS Seminar Qualification Surveys 5.Class related detentions – Follow-up actions 6.Speeding up delivery of definitive certificates 7.Concentrated Inspection Campaigns 8.New database : Surveys refused Monitoring 9.Improved monitoring of survey reports 10.Surveyors/Auditors onboard monitoring Measures to improve the quality of services
4 DNS Quality Plan Setting-up of Regional Training Centres for theoretical and practical training of new surveyors Progress Status Regional Training Centres fully operational Piraeus : Sessions held in September 2007, April and October 2008, January and June 2009, February 2010 Shanghai : Sessions held in January and November 2008, May and November 2009, November 2010 Dubai : Session held in June 2008, March 2009 Specialized sessions for tankers and passenger ships held in Rotterdam, Genoa, Shanghai and Singapore One ISM/ISPS RTC implemented in Rijeka Several sessions held since Training of new surveyors
5 DNS Quality Plan Simplified certification grid with automatic certifications according to type of ship and survey Revised examination system with MCQ only and performed on-line Progress Status New certification grid implemented and existing certificates migrated to the new grid, including the automatic certifications Surveyors certificates have now permanent validity, provided the on- board monitoring is performed every two years Qualifications remain valid provided at least one survey of the same ship and type is performed during any 5-year period On-line exams available in the new QUALIF system 2. Surveyor's certification scheme
6 DNS Quality Plan To ease the follow-up of surveyors certification, onboard monitoring, self-training and in-door training Fully integrated with ASMS Covering ISM/ISPS auditors certification and NC and BVN surveyors certification Progress Status First release of the new QUALIF will be presented during this training It covers NS surveys only. NC activity certification will be included in the second release and ISM/ISPS auditors, BVN and LPO activities later in 2010 The system provides a dashboard for easy control of certification, surveyors experience, onboard monitoring and training courses 3. New qualification and certification database - QUALIF
7 DNS Quality Plan Annual DNS seminar is to be rolled out to all surveyors, auditors and CM technical staff Follow-up through the new QUALIF Progress Status The rolling out of DNS Seminar is done worldwide by the SSOM, CSOM and CM Managers having participated to the Seminar The new QUALIF ensures the follow-up of training schedule and training sessions performed and provides an overall view of the rolling out to the SSOMs and to the MOs. 4. Continuous training – Rolling out of DNS Seminar
8 DNS Quality Plan Each CR detention is to be deeply analysed by the SSOM If appeal is possible, full supporting documentation to be timely provided to MO If appeal is not possible, corrective/preventative actions to be proposed to MO and timely implemented Progress Status Where no appeal is possible, surveyor may be submitted to retraining and examination upon MO decision Corrective/preventative actions are proposed/analysed on case by case basis 5. Class-related detentions – Follow-up actions
9 DNS Quality Plan Surveyors are authorised to issue definitive statutory certificates upon completion of renewal surveys Authorisation does not apply for the first issuance of statutory certificates, where interim/conditional certificates are to be issued Progress Status This action has been implemented since March Speeding-up delivery of definitive certificates
10 DNS Quality Plan To confirm the implementation of new class/statutory requirements Progress Status Dedicated CIC report was created within ASMS and Neptune has been modified to record CICs performed Four CICs have already performed and one CIC is under way: MARPOL Annex II, from April to June 2007 (97% of ships complying with the requirements. No corrective action needed) EPIRB maintenance, May 2008 (98,5% of ships complying with the requirements. No corrective action needed) Oily water separators, November/December 2008 (98% of ships complying with the requirements. No corrective action needed) Hatch covers for cargo ships and bulk carriers, August/September 2009 (95% complying) Compliance with IACS UR-S26, October/December 2010 (in progress) 7. Concentrated Inspection Campaigns
11 DNS Quality Plan To record cases of unavailability of surveyors Progress Status The new database has been deployed in January 2007 to all CM, SSOM and CSOM, with controlled access rights 206 jobs refused in 2007, out of which 132 NS surveys and 74 ISM/ISPS audits 135 jobs refused in 2008, 85 NS surveys and 50 ISM/ISPS audits Main reason for refusal is “no surveyor available” Feedback information sent to ZVP : list of countries presenting excessive number of surveys refused 8. New database – Surveys refused
12 DNS Quality Plan Identification of the most frequent errors and preparation of a training course “Drafting Reports” Surveyors presenting high number of anomalies in survey reports may be placed under monitoring by the MO Progress Status Training course prepared with the support of all Marine Centres Individual actions decided by the MOs on case by case basis 15 surveyors are under monitoring due to high number of anomalies in reports Most common anomalies : Particular instructions from SSOM, CM not complied with Technical contents of report inaccurate or incomplete, or surveys credited but not totally completed 9. Improved monitoring of survey reports
13 DNS Quality Plan All surveyors and auditors must be monitored onboard at least once every two years New surveyors and auditors are to be monitored at the end of the first year Progress Status The follow-up of the onboard monitoring is now done through the new QUALIF, and surveyor’s certificates are automatically suspended if onboard monitoring becomes overdue 5 surveyors are suspended due to overdue onboard monitoring. They cannot perform any job until they are monitored 10. Surveyors/Auditors onboard monitoring
14 DNS Quality Plan Three main axes : Measures to improve the quality of our services Measures to improve the quality of our fleet Measures to enhance cooperation with authorities DNS Quality Plan
15 DNS Quality Plan 14.ISM from class perspective ISM Assistance 15.Training services Filtering out 18.Class withdrawal procedures Filtering in 11.CAC evaluation grid 12.Sensitive ships 13.ISM new contracts – TCMS Control 16.Increased monitoring of ships 17.Reinforcement of auditing capabilities Measures to improve the quality of our fleet
16 DNS Quality Plan To be completed by Connecting Districts and be part of the proposal for CAC To be integrated in Genesis and made mandatory for submission of the Request for Classification Progress Status The evaluation grid has been integrated in Genesis and made mandatory 11. CAC evaluation grid
17 DNS Quality Plan To create a list of ships which, for any reason, BV does not want to class Genesis shall refer to this list and display warning message if a new RFC is created for a “sensitive” ship Progress Status The list of sensitive ships has been prepared and made available in Neptune 107 ships are presently in the list Genesis has been upgraded to display the warning message for sensitive ships 12. Sensitive ships
18 DNS Quality Plan Adoption of an evaluation grid for ISM initial certification Progress Status The ISM evaluation grid has been implemented (TNS 34) 13. ISM new contracts – TCMS
19 DNS Quality Plan IACS PR 17 establishes procedures for reporting by surveyors of deficiencies relating to possible SMS failures ASMS Report to include a PR 17 dedicated report Follow-up of actions taken consecutive to the issuance of PR 17 reports to be included in Neptune Progress Status PR 17 dedicated report was included in ASMS and in Neptune PR 17 reports issued by BV surveyors are automatically sent by mail to the MO for possible actions Actions taken by the MO are recorded in Neptune Neptune has been upgraded and includes the follow-up of PR 17 reports received from other class societies 14. ISM from class perspective
20 DNS Quality Plan To provide assistance to our clients through dedicated training services aiming at improving crews knowledge of Rules, Regulations, PSC procedures, etc Progress Status 25 comprehensive training courses are available in Veristar Info for internal downloading and 5 new courses are under development 85 qualified trainers worldwide 7 “Train the Trainers” sessions carried out Lotus Notes database “Training Solutions” developed for the follow-up of training activity 2011 training catalogue under preparation 15. Training services
21 DNS Quality Plan Ships presenting high detention risk are to be identified and placed under monitoring preventatively Very high risk ships are to be submitted to vertical audit Objective : 60 ships submitted to vertical audit per year Progress Status New monitoring module created in Neptune, including the list of ships under monitoring and the calculation of risk factor The objective of 60 vertical audits was not achieved in 2007/2008 due to lack of resources and delay in setting-up the team of regional auditors ASMS and Neptune shall be upgraded in 2011 to allow the follow-up of vertical audits Ships under monitoring are subject to a specific report from the attending surveyor during periodical surveys 16. Increased monitoring of ships
22 DNS Quality Plan To set-up a team of regional auditors able to perform vertical audits on their regions upon request from the MOs Progress Status Team of regional auditors partly defined Specific reporting tool for audits shall be developed in Reinforcement of auditing capabilities
23 DNS Quality Plan Ships detained twice in 12 months period and ships banned by a PSC regime shall be subject to special consideration by MOs and class may be withdrawn on case by case basis Automatic class withdrawal of ships having class suspended for more than 6 months Progress Status The procedure has been implemented. Ships detained twice in 12 months and ships banned by a PSC regime are specially considered by the MO and DNS Quality Committee and subject to class withdrawal Automatic class withdrawal of ships having class suspended over 6 months has been implemented in Neptune Automatic listings sent every month to SSOM Reminder sent to MO one month before automatic class withdrawal 18. Class withdrawal procedures
24 DNS Quality Plan Three main axes : Measures to improve the quality of our services Measures to improve the quality of our fleet Measures to enhance cooperation with authorities DNS Quality Plan
25 DNS Quality Plan 20.Ships detentions - Follow up actions Follow-up actions Relationship 19.PSC Coordination Measures to enhance cooperation with Authorities
26 DNS Quality Plan To foster the communication with PSC authorities in order to build, rebuild or maintain a strong spirit of confidence Each country shall appoint a PSC Coordinator Progress Status PSC Coordinators have been appointed by all countries/regions A new database “PSC Coordination” has been developed. PSC Coordinators shall prepare a programme of visits to the most active PSC and record the schedule and results of visits performed PSC Coordinators will be provided with presentation material for supporting their visits. 19. PSC Coordination
27 DNS Quality Plan Feedback information on ships detained shall be sent to the PSC detaining authority explaining the actions taken by BV further to the ship’s detention Progress Status To be implemented by the PSC coordinators 20. Ship detentions – Follow-up actions
28 DNS Quality Plan CONCLUSION Quality of our services Huge investments have been made in training and qualification of our surveyors. Practical training still to be improved. The new QUALIF application ease the management of surveyors certification, training and monitoring. The report monitoring helps identifying areas for improvement and training needs. The onboard monitoring of surveyors is now under control. Surveyors certification are automatically suspended if on-board monitoring not performed in time. DNS Quality Plan – Conclusion
29 DNS Quality Plan CONCLUSION Quality of our fleet Actions related to the filtering of new CACs, the use of ISM audits and of PR 17 to help improving the quality of the fleet and the class withdrawals have been implemented. Assistance to shipowners through training must be improved. Training courses available in the “Training Solutions” package must be used to help owners improve the quality of their fleet. The ship monitoring process and vertical audits are still to be fully implemented in order to prevent detentions. DNS Quality Plan – Conclusion
30 DNS Quality Plan CONCLUSION Cooperation with Authorities PSC coordinators have been nominated and will be provided with material for presentations and a database for the control of the activity They must now define and implement a programme of visits to the most active PSC Authorities Actions taken by BV further to ship’s detention are to be communicated to the detaining authority by the PSC coordinator DNS Quality Plan – Conclusion