English Language AS and A2
Which English to study?
Course Structure Unit 1 – examination 2 hours Categorising Texts 60% total AS marks 30% total A2 marks Unit 2 - coursework Creating Texts 40% total AS marks 20% total A2 marks Unit 3 - examination 2 ½ hours Developing Language 30% total A Level marks Unit 4 – coursework Investigating Language 20% total A Level marks
Unit 1 Section A: Categorising Texts ‘Big picture’ to detail Frameworks - Systematic approach to analysing any spoken or written text (pragmatics, discourse, grammar, lexis and semantics, phonology, graphology, morphology) Concepts: register, mode, idiolect, dialect, sociolect Link analysis to audience, purpose and context Linguistic terminology Grouping texts A range of unseen texts from contemporary culture Encourages students to think differently about texts they see in the media every day.
Unit 1 Section B: Language and Social Contexts Explore how spoken and written texts reproduce ideas about cultural values and assumption One question from a choice of three. Texts provided for analysis for each question. Example question: ‘Comment on the representation of gender in text G’ Three topics will be studied: Language and Power Language and Gender Language and Technology
Unit 2: Creating Texts Two pieces of original writing for different audiences and purposes Commentaries Freedom Creative writing Journalism skills Independent study Folder totals 1500 – 2500 words for original writing and two commentaries with combined word limit of 1000 words Writing to entertain Writing to persuade Writing to inform Writing to advise / instruct
Unit 3: Developing Language Language Acquisition Acquisition of speech Stages of development and social interaction Theories of language acquisition Reading development Writing development Data from children up to age 10 Language Change Historical development - change over the last 5 centuries Change that is happening now – living language Socio-cultural causes of change Changes in style Trips to infant and junior schools, Sheffield Archives and the cemetery!
Unit 4: Investigating Language Individual topics Establish context and method Collect data Apply knowledge of frameworks in analysis Present material and findings coherently, using terminology appropriately 2000 – 2500 words Develops independent learning and research skills which will impress universities. Past successful topics: Relationships between English and Portuguese Original language use in the television show, ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer’ Linguistic devices used by journalists to report a disaster, comparing how methods have changed over time Persuasive devices in travel brochures / night club flyers Comparing types of rap music Slogans in the beverage industry Interruptions in conversations between men and women Development of children’s writing
Unit 4 Part 2: The Media Text. In addition to the Investigation, students will be required write an informative media text, linked to the topic of their Investigation. This allows students to show their ability to adapt materials and write for different audiences. For example, an investigative topic of child language acquisition might lend itself to the production of a guide for new parents about how to understand and support their child’s early language development.