Sacraments of Service/Ministry Holy Orders Matrimony
Vocation Vocation is the committed state of life to which we are called by God. Married life Single life Priest or deacon (ordained) Religious brother or sister (consecrated life)
Origins of the priesthood Old Testament Tribe of Levi – priestly service, staying with the Ark of the Covenant and offering sacrifices for sins; interpreting the Law of the Old Covenant Priesthood of the Old Testament was fulfilled in Jesus Christ – the one mediator between God and humankind
Early Church Apostles became known as bishops Deacons were appointed to help with works of service. Presbyters (elders) often presided at the “breaking of the bread”; they gradually were called priests since they represented Christ the High Priest.
Sacrament of Holy Orders The sacrament of Holy Orders consecrates (designates and makes holy) people for the three orders of ministry in the Church. Those who receive the sacrament are called ordained ministers or clergyd. Deacons Priests Bishops
Ordained ministers All are called to priesthood by virtue of their baptism -- the priesthood of the faithful. The ordained priesthood has different responsibilities than the priesthood of the faithful.
Bishops Receives the fullness of the responsibilities of Holy Orders. Successor to the original apostles Member of the College of Bishops and, with other bishops, leads the entire Church in union with the Pope (the Bishop of Rome). Responsible for the diocese as chief shepherd
Responsibilities of Bishops Ordains priests Ordinary minister for Confirmation Blesses the sacred oils used for sacraments Chief catechist (teacher ) of the diocese Supports and directs parish and diocesan ministries Symbols – mitre and crozier
Priests Co workers with bishop in diocese All priests of a diocese united with the bishop – presbyterium of the diocese, responsible for the diocese’s spiritual life Priests have responsibility for a particular parish or ministry in the diocese. Celebrates all sacraments except Confirmation (unless given special permission) and Holy Ordrs
Deacons Ordained for works of service and liturgical ministry. Assists with the celebration of the Eucharist Gives homilies Proclaims the Gospel Distributes Communion Baptizes, blesses marriages, presides over funerals.
Deacons Transitional deacons – last step before becoming a priest Permanent deacon – can be married
Rite of Ordination Three different ordination rituals corresponding to the three ministries Deacon – receives the dalmatic (stole) and a book of Gospels to symbolize the ministry of teaching. Priest – receives chasuble and stole, paten and chalice to symbolize his role in the Eucharist Bishop – receives the Book of Gospels, a ring, the miter and the crozier
Rite of Ordination Bishop is the minister of all three rites. Essential symbol is the bishop’s laying on of hands and praying for the graces of the Holy Spirit necessary for the ministry. When a man is ordained, he makes a promise of celibacy, which means he will not marry. This is a law in the western Church.
Matrimony Biblical origins in the Old Testament in Genesis. In the New Testament, Jesus’ first public miracle is performed at the wedding feast of Cana. The sacrament of Matrimony symbolizes the union of Christ and the Church.
Meaning of married love Brings unity between the spouses Committed to each other in an indissoluble union Open to new life
Sins against marriage Adultery Polygamy Remarriage after divorce (without an annulment)
Rite of Matrimony In matrimony, a baptized man and a baptized woman enter into a covenant. The covenant must be entered freely and willingly. The spouses are the ministers of the sacrament; the essential sign is the exchange of vows. The priest or deacon and two other people serve as witnesses. Other elements include the Liturgy of the Word, the exchange of rings, and the nuptial blessing.