16 Rich Habits Close Reading Annotation Formative and Summative Assessments Class Discussion and Online Forum debate
Read and Annotate the Article: 16 Rich Habits by Tom Corley Hard Copy (Optional) Grab and article, handout, and marker Read and Annotate on the article ONLINE: Mrslevi.weebly.com/readings – Download and Save the article – Click the online link to annotate and Begin! Read and Annotate on the article ONLY READ ½ the article right now… Complete the Handout based on your annotations You can do the handout DURING or AFTER you read and annotate
Annotating / Reading Steps: 1. Read and Annotate using the codes/symbols STOP at #8. Stet Goals, not wishes 2. Complete the Handout when finished by going back through the article and elaborating with notes on your annotations 3.Use the codes to help you….. Main Idea=(MI) The most important idea expressed….. Thoughts=(T) Made me think of ……??? Questions=(Q or ?) Write your questions down…who, what, why??? Connections=(C) Reminds you of something from your life….. Confusing Word= circle to find out meaning later Prediction=(P) Assume something that will happen later or you will learn, do, what you expect from the rest of the document.
Main Idea Thoughts Questions Connection Confusing words- Prediction= HANDOUT PART 1: Formative PART 2: Summative
SCOREDESCRIPTION 5 The text is extensively annotated with many margin notations. The annotations demonstrate a comprehensive and thoughtful reading. The notes show that the reader has made connections and drawn valid conclusions. Annotations should include the main idea, thoughts, connections, questions and a prediction. 4 The text shows some margin notes. The reader notes some of the points made during class discussion. The annotations demonstrate that the reader understands the text beyond the literal level and has made some conclusions. Annotations should include the main idea, thoughts, questions and either a connection or prediction. 3 The marginal notes are basic and contain limited references to class discussion. Annotation indicate a basic understanding of the text. Annotations should include the main idea, thoughts and questions. There are no connections or predictions made. 2 The text is underlined in appropriate places, but there are very few margin notes making it difficult to evaluate how well the reader understood the reading. The annotations should include only two types (e.g. – thoughts and questions) 1 Significant parts of the text are completely unmarked. There are no margin notes – only underlined text. 0 The text is completely unmarked. CLOSE READING RUBRIC Part 1: Formative Part 2: Summative Score: Rubric 9-10 The annotations demonstrate a comprehensive and thoughtful reading. The notes show that the reader has made connections and drawn valid conclusions. Annotations should include all of the categories in the chart above. 7-8 The annotations demonstrate that the reader understands the text beyond the literal level and has made some conclusions. Annotations should include all of the categories in the chart above. 5-6 The annotations indicate basic understanding of the text. At least part of the chart if filled out above. 3-4 Very few annotations made in the chart and it is difficult to evaluate how well the reader understood the reading. At least part of the chart if filled out above. 1-2 Very few annotations.
PART 2: Read and Annotate Summative Grab and article, handout, and marker Read and Annotate on the article: –16 Rich Habits by Tom Corley Finish READING the 2 nd ½ of the article right now… Add more to the the Handout based on your annotations – You can do the handout during or after you read and annotate
YOUR ASSIGNMENT: 1.Make a list of everything you can remember that made you happy. 2.Highlight those items on your list that involve a skill, and identify the skill. 3.Rank the top 10 highlighted items in the order of joy they bring to you. Whatever makes you happiest of all gets 10 big points. Presto! 4. Now rank the top 10 highlighted items in terms of their income potential. The most lucrative skill of all is worth 10 points. 5. Total the two ranked columns. The highest score represents a potential main purpose in your life. Presto! --As you can see, the differences between rich and poor are simple— sometimes intuitive—but not insignificant. Aim to take up all 16 of these habits, and you’re almost guaranteed to become better off. You can change your life and reach your goals, all by making small tweaks to your daily routine!
Class Discussion: Can Money Buy Happiness? Yes or No and why? Online Discussion: What’s more important Love or Money? Vote on my website Statistics: According to a new Harris Interactive poll of over 1,000 adults, the #1 thing couples fight about most is FINANCE$ Quotes:
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