1 Data for the Future: the German Project "Co-operative Development of a Long-term Digital Information Archive" (kopal) Hands-on Workshops Reinhard Altenhöner, Die Deutsche Bibliothek, Frankfurt am Main
2 Agenda The challenge: Long term preservation of our digital heritage – introduction National background / strategy: nestor & kopal The kopal initiative – our technical approach for LTP
3 Same procedure as every day? © KB, The Hague
4 Publications issued in Germany since 1913 German-language publications issued abroad since 1913 Digital "hand-hold" publications (CD-ROM, DVD, Floppy) are covered by the current law and deposited within DDB Online publications are not covered by the current law. In the near future it will likely become a legal deposit for all networked digital publications produced in Germany and for the german Web Our task: Collecting and archiving
5 Electronic archives at Die Deutsche Bibliothek Online-Dissertations 454 e-journals and monographs from Springer (Heidelberg, Berlin) 80 newsletters electronic publications from approx. 210 commercial and non-commercial publishers Web-Sites workflows, modules, procedures
6 Persistent access via Uniform Resource Name (URN) URN
7 The challenge: Long term preservation of our digital heritage Binary Code
8 Archiving the bit stream Digital information is stored as a bit stream on physical media Storage media types change quickly and are subject to obsolescence Storage media are unstable and can degrade quickly So we need Stability of the data-carrier Copying (refreshing) Migration of the data carrier e.g. magnetic optical Risk management And we need: Procedures to ensure the authenticity of objects
9 Conclusion: the challenge of LTP Bit-stream Hard- and Software to read Hard- and Software to interpret Hard- and Software to display Reading a document
10 Approaches to ensure access migration emulation condition: METADATA
11 Transfer of data from an old platform eg. C64 / AMIGA original system 1988 target system 2002 img emulation OS migration
14 nestor Network of Expertise in Long-Term Storage of Digital Resources for Germany kopal Co-operative development of a long-term digital information archive National initiatives
15 General goals of nestor create a network for information and communication about present and future LTP activities in Germany establish a cross-sectorial community to promote and support LTP activities and to raise awareness in society trigger synergies between on-going activities in Germany and cooperate with international partners and projects
16 National initiative II: kopal Co-operative development of a long-term digital information archive funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research Financial volume: 4,2 Mio + self-financed activities of all partners, duration: – Task: Development of a standardized long-term preservation solution to facilitate long-term preservation for other libraries / industries Solution as a facilitator for co-operation between libraries and other institutions / companies
17 kopal: Concept and background Basis: DIAS (Digital Information and Archiving System) of the Royal Dutch Library, The Hague Developed by IBM reliable (hopefully) Implementation of the OAIS standard Further development of a suitable long-term preservation component (emulation, migration) Starting point for preservation planning What weve missed: Enhancement for cooperative usage Hosting outside the library (remote access) Development of a universal object scheme A more generic approach Conclusion: Extension of DIAS-Core and development of peripheral open- source based software tools to broaden its usability
18 kopal: Partners Die Deutsche Bibliothek (leader) Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen Industrial Business Maschines (IBM) Germany Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen (GWDG) Working relationship: Royal Dutch Library, The Netherlands
19 kopal: Collaborated work GWDG: Hosting IBM: Archiving SW DDB: Ingest/Acess SW SUB: Ingest/Acess SW Common activity: Preservation Planning
20 GWDG (Göttingen) DIAS by IBM Account 1 Account 2 SUB Göttingen Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt) Local software Local software Local software Local software kopal: Structure & concept Partners nn
21 Software development & sharing DIAS-Tool A: Generic Batch- Builder (IBM) DIAS-Tool B: UVC-Decoder for graphics (IBM) DIAS-Tool C: OSS-Tool (DDB) DIAS-Tool D: OSS-Tool (SUB) DIAS-Tool E: OSS-Tool (...)... Condition: Well defined interfaces (SIP + DIP) Enhanced DIAS
22 AdministrationMonitoring & Logging Preservation Planning Data Management Data IngestAccess AIPAIP** Archival Storage SIP*DIP*** Permanent Access Toolbox Preservation Processor Preservation Manager StandardCustom METS KB MPEG-21 METS KB MPEG-21 BusinessObjects Metadata Query DIP Query Results Metadata Query SIP Integration of the Universal Object Format into the OAIS-based DIAS * = SIP: Submission Information Package ** = AIP: Archival Information Package *** = DIP: Dissemination Information Package Source:IBM
23 DIAS based on OAIS Access metadata generator metadata extractor loader SIP OPACinfopage Metadata (mets.xml ) presentation kopal – DIAS and DDB/SUB-tools SIP Loader DIP builder
24 Packaging Submission Information Package Object METS 1.4 UniversalObjectFormat LMER 1.2 – Long-term preservation Metadata for Electronic Ressources Header dmdSec amdSec File Section Structural Map Mets.xml
25 Current activities Implementing the new version DIAS V.2 in the productive environment Testing of new SW-Components (OSS-Tools) Mass procedures for collected materials and new files Establishing workflows Access System Special activities: format registry, automatic extraction of technical information
26 Next steps within the project Preservation planning procedures, focal point: migration Publishing of kopal Library for Retrieval and Ingest (koLibRI) to create archival objects based on UOF Special activity: automatic extraction of technical information: JHOVE Graphical User Interface for Workflow tools Monitoring functionalities for the system Interarchival exchange facilities Integration of File Format Registries?
27 Reinhard Altenhöner Die Deutsche Bibliothek Head of IT-Department Adickesallee 1 D Frankfurt am Main Telefon: Telefax: