Finding Meaning Continued Lesson 3
Example 4 (page 5) Answers: The employers expect that … The working man should be happy, efficient and on time. The inuit should behave like obedient workers working hard to achieve or They could provide “local colour” or entertainment by portraying the expected stereotype The land is there to be exploited for its products.
Example 5 (page 5) “What three main reasons does Laurie Lee give for writing autobiography in lines 1-6?” To have a history of your life (after you have died) for others to read To “out” / settle old scores against people who have wronged you. To show others what a wonderful life you have had, and a book to remind you of your life.
FOLLOWING ARGUMENTS AND TRACING DEVELOPMENTS The purpose of these questions is to see if you can understand and follow a line of thought in a complex passage. Again, Find and Translate Questions usually have, Explain fully the difficulties faced by … Explain the reasons why … Why has this occurred … => FIND AND TRANSLATE INTO YOUR OWN WORDS
HINT … 1.Make sure you only look at the lines that you are referred to e.g. Lines Work your way through each sentence. 3.Is this sentence an important comment/main idea? Yes? Translate. 4.Be careful that the next sentence is not an example merely restating that main idea in a different way. 5.Next? Is this another main idea? Translate!
Example 1 (page 6) “Explain in your own words what was the origin of Scottish National Pride”. i.e. what did it originate from/what things caused us to be proud? We were threatened by takeover from other nations and had to fight to remain free We were poor and fought to hold what we had. We are proud that we managed to survive as a nation. …. All contribute to Scottish National Pride.
Example 2 (page 6) “By referring to Lines 1-4 explain fully the difficulties that such longevity causes.” (Use context clues if you do not know the meaning of this word!!) (How does living to a great old age cause problems?) We are not ready to deal with the huge numbers of an aging population We know that it is going to cause big problems Social Planners don’t really think about old people when planning.
Example 3 (page 6) “Using your own words, explain why and in what ways this pride changed in later centuries”. This questions asks: 1) WHY DID SCOTTISH NATIONAL PRIDE CHANGE? 2)IN WHAT WAY DID IT CHANGE? We had been forced to give up a lot of power and identity to the governing people. We took great things that were uniquely Scottish.
Tracing Developments … “How is the idea contained in the word “momentous” developed in the rest of that sentence?” You need to know What “momentous” means? (Context clues?) i.e. a momentous occasion such as a wedding? => So … how does the idea of IMPORTANCE continue in the passage?
…. Example 1 (p7 cont.) The sign is described of being extremely important … perhaps so important (and noticeable) that it drives away not only people but aliens/other forms of life!
Example 2 (page 7) “The figures don’t add up to an unmixed disaster scenario” 1) Explain the meaning of this sentence. 2) Go on to explain how the ideas of the sentence are developed in the rest of the paragraph 1) Doesn’t add up means not right Disaster is something terrible bad. Scenario is a scene that we imagine. Mixed up means a blend of something/confused. So … 1) “The information we have is not right. The bad situations may not happen. Our thoughts are confused 2) This idea is developed by comments: Government has funds to provide/pay for old people! However, hospitals, doctors etc will feel the effects of numbers.