Honors World Literature Week 21
Monday, January 26 th, 2015 In your groups, continue working on your advertisements.
Objectives COU 502 Identify the correct past and past participle forms of irregular and infrequently used verbs and form present- perfect verbs by using have rather than of. Objective(s): SWBAT form the present perfect tense. SWBAT form the past perfect tense.
The Present Perfect Tense Definition: The Present Perfect shows that an action has begun in the past and is continuing into the present. Formation: Present tense of “to have” + past participle Example: I have studied English since I moved to New York. Timeline: ______X_> X Moved to NY Present Studied English
The Past Perfect Tense Definition: The Past Perfect shows that an action occurred further back in the past than another past action. Formation: past of “to have” + past participle Example: You had studied English before you moved to New York. Timeline: ______X______________________________X_____ Studied English Moved to NY
How to Form the Past participle Some past participles are formed regularly, and some past participles are formed irregularly. Here are some examples: Regular Present Tense Past Tense Present Perfect (“to have” +past participle) We walk We walked We have walked I skate I skated I have skated Frank worries Frank worried Frank has worried Irregular Present Tense Past Tense Present Perfect (“to have” +past participle) We sing We sang We have sung Bill writes Bill wrote Bill has written I am I was I have been
Participle forms
Let’s Practice
Homework Instructions: Write a paragraph summarizing what you know about the Holocaust. In this summary be sure to include the following: 2 examples of past perfect tense 2 examples of present perfect tense 2 examples of parallel structure 2 vocabulary words
Tuesday, January 27 th, 2015 SSR 15 minutes Prompt: Choose one page from your text, and using words only from that page, write a poem about nature.
Objectives SWBAT define and correctly use Wordly Wise vocabulary Lesson 1 SWBAT explain who Elie Weisel is
Introduction to Night By: Elie Wiesel
About the Author Born September 30, 1928 in Sighet, Romania. Grew up in a small village where his life revolved around the following: Family Religious Study Community God
About the Author In 1944, when Elie was 15, he was deported to Auschwitz. When they arrived at the camp, he and his father were warned to lie about their ages. Elie said he was 18 and his father said he was 40 instead of 50. They were sent to be slave laborers. His mother and youngest sister were sent to the gas chambers.
About the Author Elie and his father survived first Auschwitz and then the Buna labor camp for eight months. They endured beatings, excessive work, starvation, and other torture.
About the Author In the winter , Wiesel’s right knee swelled up and a doctor performed surgery on it. Two days later, the inmates were forced to go on a death march. For ten days they were forced to run, then crammed into freight cars, and sent to Buchenwald.
About the Author Of the 20,000 prisoners who left Buna, only 6,000 survived. When they arrived to Buchenwald, Elie’s father, Shlomo, died of dysentary, starvation, and exhaustion.
About the Author After he was freed from the camp on April 11, Wiesel became sick with intestinal problems. After several days in the hospital, Wiesel wrote an outline for a book describing the Holocaust. He wasn’t ready to publicize his experience, but promised he would in ten years.
About the Author After Elie was released from the hospital, he had no family to return to. He went with 400 other orphan children to France. From , he moved from house to house found for him by Children’s Rescue Society.
About the Author By 1947, he was reunited with both of his surviving sisters, Bea and Hilda. Hilda found his picture in a newspaper. He found Bea in Antwerp.
Turning Point Weisel’s turning point came when he interviewed the Catholic writer, Fancois Mauriac. During the interview, everything was centered around Jesus and Wiesel ended up saying the following; "…ten years ago, not very far from here, I knew Jewish children every one of whom suffered a thousand times more, six million times more, than Christ on the cross. And we don’t speak about them." Wiesel ran out of the room, but Mauriac followed and advised Weisel to write down his experience.
Wednesday, January 28 th 2015: Correct the passage. Mayor Bill de Blasio said,on Sunday, that one of the biggest storms to ever strike New York City may be approaching and he urged people to stay indoors to avoid powerful winds, low visibility and avoiding road conditions. The storm which are expected to begin with flurries late on Monday morning, is likely to gather force as the day progresses, Mr. de Blasio said. The snowfall will probable be heaviest Monday night into Tuesday morning, he said adding that “easily as much as two feet” and maybe as many as three feet of snow could fall by the time the storm is over.
Wednesday, January 28 th 2015: Correct the passage. Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Sunday that one of the biggest storms to ever strike New York City may be approaching, and he urged people to stay indoors to avoid powerful winds, low visibility and road conditions. The storm, which is expected to begin with flurries late on Monday morning, is likely to gather force as the day progresses, Mr. de Blasio said. The snowfall will probably be heaviest Monday night into Tuesday morning, he said, adding that “easily as much as two feet” and maybe as many as three feet of snow could fall by the time the storm is over.
Thursday, January 29 th, 2015 SSR 15 minutes Prompt: Write a letter to a character from your text.
Mastery & Vocabulary Quiz 15 minutes total