Class of 2015
RECOMMENDED COURSE OF STUDY - GRADE 12 REQUIRED Political Science Economics English elective Writing elective *Art, Careers, PE, or other required courses that have not been completed SUGGESTED English electives 4 th year of math Physics elective Electives in your interest areas
LANGUAGE ARTS English Electives Debate CIS Speech Reading & Study Skills Mystery & Horror Mass Media Nonfiction Science Fiction /Fantasy Philosophy and Literature Journalism Newspaper Publication Creative Writing Grammar The Bible as Literature Writing Electives Career Writing Writing Studio College Composition AP Literature *AP Language also counts from 11 th grade
SOCIAL STUDIES High School Credit Only Political Science Economics High School & College Credit CIS Political Science CIS Macroeconomics *CIS courses are 1 ½ trimesters. For example, CIS Poli Sci may be all of Tri 1 and the first half of Tri 2, and CIS Macro may be the second half of Tri 2 and all of Tri 3.
OTHER ELECTIVES Art Business Family & Consumer Science Health & Phy Ed Industrial Technology Language Arts Math Music Science Social Studies World Language Non-Departmental Choose electives that you are interested in or are related to your future career Register for 18 credits total – even if you plan to do PSEO, 916, TA, Office Runner, etc. Choose elective carefully, there is little or no opportunity to change them later
COLLEGE CREDIT AT TARTAN Advanced Placement Classes taken at Tartan GPA of 3.5 or higher recommended for success Comprehensive exam at end of school year Colleges determine whether or not they will award college credit depending on exam score Weighted on Tartan’s transcript College In the Schools Classes taken at Tartan U of M or Inver Hills credit Course will appear on college transcript no matter what the grade is Weighted on Tartan’ transcript
COLLEGE CREDIT AT TARTAN Articulated Courses Classes taken at Tartan Business, FACS, Industrial Technology Students must enroll in at least one college course after high school in order to earn college credit Not weighted on Tartan’s transcript
PSEO Classes taken on college campus Courses are taken for both high school and college credit Grades will appear on permanent college transcript Grades are not weighted on Tartan’s transcript Application deadlines for some schools are in early spring Please check with the colleges about deadlines Meet with your counselor if you are considering PSEO options
NORTHEAST METRO 916 CLASSES Courses offered in Computers, Design, Animal Science, Food Service, Autos, Construction, Dental, EMT, Medical Careers, Education, Cosmetology, and Law Enforcement Require a full year commitment for hours 1 and 2 Bus transportation provided Registration forms are available in the Guidance Office Space is limited, so sign up as soon as possible
POST-SECONDARY REQUIREMENTS Basic college admission info on page 10. Make sure to check the specific admission requirements of the colleges you are considering because they can differ from Tartan’s requirements.
NCAA Specific requirements for high school courses, GPA, and ACT/SAT scores Must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center Make an appointment with your counselor to ensure that you are on track for college athletics eligibility
Change teachers Change lunches Change hours Change electives SCHEDULE CHANGES Medical or physical restrictions Academic misplacement Computer error Qualifies Doesn’t Qualify