“Gh.I Bratianu” School Iaşi, Romania comenius project “birds” The results obtained in the questionnaire for investigating teachers’ opinions regarding the intercultural education “Gh.I Bratianu” School Iaşi, Romania Teachers: Gabriela Iancu Roxana Melinte
The structure of the investigated group A. According to the sex: -15 female teachers -2 mail teachers B. According to the experience in teaching: -Up to 15 years old – 4 -Between 15 and 30 years old – 8 -Over 30 years old – 5
1.How and in what context have you found out for the first time about the concept of intercultural education? -Mass-media – 9 -From some courses – 8 -Different publications – 5 -School activities – 4 -Comenius project “Birds”- 3 -From High school - 2
How and in what context have you found out for the first time about the concept of intercultural education?
2. Write in the order of their importance the first five words you think about when you hear the expression “ intercultural education ”: Tolerance 11 Harmony 8 Diversity 7 Respect Culture Dialogue Traditions Nationalities Participation
-Collaboration -Communication -Curiosity -Education - Socialization -Spirituality -Fact - Negative aspects - The fight against discrimination -Fairness - Unity
3. Name situations/realities that, in your opinion, impose the necessity of the intercultural dimensions of education: -The presence of students of a different ethnicity in the school- cultural diversity -The contact with other countries/cultures than the native one -The avoidance of interethnic conflicts and tensions -The elimination of prejudices and stereotypes -The marginalization of the students of different ethnicities -Migration -Desire to go to another country -The presence of international schools -Communication (any kind)
4. The current educational system from our country is in favor of the promotion of intercultural education to the national level
5. The intercultural education requires a reevaluation of the curriculum (mainly its contents) and of the didactic strategies.
6. The application of the intercultural education programs is appropriate in the school where I carry out my activity
7. If you could contribute to the elaboration of an intercultural education program, which would be the main suggestions you would make? -Valuing the specific of different cultures and knowing the different ethnicities -Promoting the actively participative strategies -Experimental learning -Cultivating the traditions and keeping the customs -Involving the parents in the educative activities -Training the tolerance spirit and the management of conflicts -Informal activities with intercultural character
8. Mention the attitudes that you consider the pupils should form through the intercultural education: -Tolerance -Respect for the different people -Accepting diversity -Altruism -Correctness -Cooperation -Collaboration -Communication -Curiosity -The interest for the other’s culture
9. Mention the knowledge and abilities that can be acquired by pupils through the intercultural education: -Knowledge about the culture, language, history and civilization of other ethnics; -Knowledge about the values and traditions of some groups from the different socio-cultural groups -The ability to cooperate/collaborate with the different people around you -The ability to respect the persons around you -The enlargement of the cultural horizon
10. Which are, in your opinion, the institutions responsible with providing an intercultural education? -School -Continuous training institutions (universities, teachers’ institutions, professional associations) -Non-governmental organizations -Family -Mass-media -Community institutions (the church, libraries, museums etc)
11. Which are, in your opinion, the professional categories that are able to provide an intercultural education? -Teachers -Cultural animators -Social assistants -Priests -School counselors -Specialists (ethnographers, linguists, museographers etc.)
12. Should intercultural education especially address come categories of population? -7 subjects answered affirmatively. -Argumentation: the intercultural education addresses: -The pupils from disfavored environments and who do not have access to information -The pupils belonging to some ethnical minorities -The parents who have a low educational level -12 subjects answered negatively. -Argumentation: all the categories of pupils from school must be involved in the intercultural education without any difference
13. As a teacher, to what extent do you consider that your professional practice provides an intercultural dimension to the education offered to pupils?
14. Give a mark to the following aspects, according to the importance you think they have in contouring the intercultural dimension of school education The order of importance according to the answers received is: 1.The atmosphere in the class and school 2.The general aptitudes from the family and community environment 3.The abidance of some democratic principles and values 4.The relationships teacher-pupil 5.The methods used 6.The goals/objectives to achieve within the lessons 7.The relationships pupil-pupil 8.The access to complementary information sources 9.The evaluation criteria 10.The subject taught
15. Identify the professional roles you accomplish when providing the intercultural education -Facilitator of the group activities -Mediator in the confrontation /conflict situation -Counselor for the understanding or solving of some situations -Moderator of some discussions
16. Mention 3 methods you predominantly use for ensuring an intercultural dimension to education : The highest frequency was registered for the following methods: -Conversation (with all its types) -Problematization -Role play -Case study -Explanation
17. Mention other activities, besides the classes, that you carry out with pupils in order to emphasize the intercultural dimension of education -School festivities -Excursions -Projects -Visits to museums, libraries -Watching movies -Club activities -Spare time activities -Volunteer activities
Conclusions - The teachers are very well informed regarding the specific of intercultural education -School offers a favorable background for the development of some projects in the field of intercultural education. -Regarding the school educational practice, the school carries out activities and puts into practice working methods with pupils ensuring the necessary level of knowledge and abilities for the social cohabitation in multicultural environments