Psychology - Mr. Duez - Unit 5 Intelligence Part 1: What is Intelligence? How much of intelligence is inherited, & how much is due to upbringing? What exactly is intelligence, & what do test scores mean? Why do some people with high IQ scores become underachievers, while others with average IQ scores become leaders? How does intelligence related to creativity & artistic or athletic abilities?
DO NOW QUESTION: Who are the 3 "Smartest" people you know?
#2. #1.
Smartest man ever? Some say Kim Ung-Yong. Kim Ung-Yong (born March 8, 1962) Korean former child prodigy. Listed in Guinness Book as "Highest IQ"; the book estimated the boy's score at about 210. ★ Age 2: learned Korean, Japanese, German, & English ★ Took him about a month to learn a foreign language ★ Learned Algebra & Differential calculus in only 8 months ★ Age 4: He solved complicated differential & integral calculus problems on Japanese TV ★ Age 4 - 7: Guest student of physics at Hanyang University auditing courses ★ Early childhood: Began to write poetry & was an amazing painter ★ Age 8: invited to the U.S. by NASA, where he finished his university studies ★ Back in Korea: Switched from physics to civil engineering ★ Published about 90 papers on hydraulics in scientific journals ★ As of 2007 he also serves as adjunct faculty at Chungbuk National University.
★ A palette of colors we're born with, learn to use, & build upon. ★ Our survival - but more than that, our enjoyment of life - depends on it. Individual differences in intelligence can be measured through tests. IQ tests are powerful, but perhaps limited, barometers of intelligence. Some psychologists believe that there are other kinds of intelligences & that our value to society should not be reduced to one number, the IQ. Psychologists don't agree, and perhaps never will, on exactly what intelligence is. It is much more complicated than simply whether one is "smart" or not. Debate continues in psychology over the meaning of intelligence, but a generally accepted definition is the mental capacity to solve problems and adapt to the environment. What is Intelligence ?
Lewis Terman (1916) revised & expanded Binet's test for use in the US. ★ Renamed --> Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale ★ Became the “Gold Standard IQ Test” ★ It utilized IQ formula and allowed for testing of adults. ★ Increased the number of tasks required Binet = 54 to Stanford-Binet = 90 ★ Individual test: Trained psychologist gives the test 1 to 1 test - one psychologist per exam Scores 4 areas of cognitive ability: ★ Verbal reasoning: understanding words & their use ★ Abstract/visual reasoning: forming mental pictures ★ Quantitative reasoning: using numbers & measurements ★ Short-term memory: remembering things just taught Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
New test included a formula - intelligence quotient (IQ) developed by William Stern With this new intelligence quotient, Terman's new Stanford-Binet test was able to allow for testing of adults. IQ = dividing mental age by chronological age and multiplying the results by 100 Provided a method for comparing individuals.
Aptitude or Achievement Tests Test designed to predict future performance. Measures: ability for that person to learn. Test designed to assess what a person has learned. Measures: accomplishments of a person.
"Are there different forms of intelligence?"
Intelligence: 1 trait or several different abilities? THEORIES OF INTELLIGENCE Charles Spearman: 2-factor theory of intelligence separating general & specific mental abilities Factor Analysis (FA) Statistical method which identifies groups of associated ideas by combining like items. G Factor or General Intelligence: Discovered that most cognitive skills are related to a single essential trait he called general mental ability (g factor or general intelligence): ability of individuals to solve complex problems S Factor Intelligence: Specific mental abilities: individual utilizizes math or verbal skills FA showed: doing well in 1 area of a test predicted that you will do well in another.
Question: Which symbol in the Answer Figure completes the sequence in the Problem Figure? Answer: C - The question figure is rotated clockwise through 90 degrees each time.
Answer: D & E - Group 1 shapes are all straight lines, group 2 shapes are all curved. Question: Which of the Answer Figures belongs in neither group?
Question: Which of the Answer Figures belongs in neither group? Answer: A, B & D - Same color shapes are diagonally opposite (Group1) or above/below (Group 2).
Sample Question: The Mental Rotation Test Which two of the other circles contain a configuration of blocks identical to the one in the circle at the left? StandardResponses