Evalution Question 3 What have you learned from your audience feedback? Sonam Nguyen
State why it is useful for media producers to identify and gain feedback from their target audiences. Our film is targeted towards males between the age of 15 and 25 years old. It is important for media producers to identify and gain relevant feedback from their target audience because they can use the feedback (positive or negative criticisms) beneficially in order to optimise the film to its highest potential. We have conducted a questionnaire/survey which uses both open and closed questions. The survey was given to the A2 Media class to complete.
Rough Suggestion s for Questions 1.Which of the following genre categories do you think the film trailer belongs to: Crime Thriller British Gangster Other (Please specify)_______ 2.How would you rate the film: Very Good Good Average Poor Very Poor 3.How would you rate the following elements of the film trailer: a. Narrative (Storyline): Intriguing Obvious Confusing Comment________ _______________ b. Camera work: Exciting Appropriate Uninspiring Comment________ ________________ c. Editing: Clever Suitable Unsuitable Comment________ ________________ d. Soundtrack/music Fully complimentary suitable unsuitable Comment________ ________________ __ 4.Which film certification do you think is most appropriate for the film trailer: A 12 5.What kind of audience do you think would like the film trailer: a. Male or Female or both Comment ________________ _ b. Mainstream or Alternative/Cult or Both Comment ________________ _____ c. Middle class or working class or Both Comment ________________ _____ 6.Why do you think they would like the film trailer? ________ ________________ _______________ 7. What did you like most about the film trailer? ________ ________________ _____________ 8. What did you like least about the film trailer? ________ ________________ _______________ 9. How do you think the film trailer could be improved? ________ ________________ ________________ _ 10. Would you go and see this type of film? Yes No Maybe Don’t Know Commen t______________ _______________ __ Questionnaire 1.Which of the following genre categories do you think the film trailer belongs to: Crime Thriller British Gangster Other (Please specify)_______ 2.How would you rate the film: Very Good Good Average Poor Very Poor 3.How would you rate the following elements of the film trailer: a. Narrative (Storyline): Intriguing Obvious Confusing Comment_______________________ b. Camera work: Exciting Appropriate Uninspiring Comment________________________ c. Editing: Clever Suitable Unsuitable Comment________________________ d. Soundtrack/music Fully complimentary suitable unsuitable Comment__________________________ 4.Which film certification do you think is most appropriate for the film trailer: A 12 5.What kind of audience do you think would like the film trailer: a. Male or Female or both Comment_________________ b. Mainstream or Alternative/Cult or Both Comment_____________________ c. Middle class or working class or Both Comment_____________________ 6.Why do you think they would like the film trailer? _______________________________________ 7. What did you like most about the film trailer? _____________________________________ 8. What did you like least about the film trailer? _______________________________________ 9. How do you think the film trailer could be improved? _________________________________________ 10. Would you go and see this type of film? Yes No Maybe Don’t Know Comment_______________________________ This is an example of the questionnaire that was used
Results from the Questionnaire In terms of the age certification, 55% of the people felt that 15 was the most appropriate age. 36% argued that it should be listed as a 12A, and 9% voted that the film should be a 12. We came to the conclusion that a 15 from the results of our questionnaire. Out of the 11 people who took part in the questionnaire, 7 rated the film as ‘very good’, whilst 4 rated it as ‘good’.
Results from the Questionnaire Comments regarding our narrative: ‘Very interesting and gripping in an subtle way’. ‘Clear but draws you in’. ‘Original concept’. ‘Very concise/clear’. Comments regarding our soundtrack: ‘Interesting/unusual music fits’. ‘Eerie and mysterious’. ‘It’s sad as well as mysterious’. ‘Really eerie, sounded quite gentle and calm yet uncomfortable’.
Interim Feedback What interim feedback did you receive from your class mates and teachers and how was it useful? Interim feedback was constructive as it made sure that the process of filming and editing went smoothly. I feel that my group had a strong relationship in terms of keeping organized and focused on the task. Unexpected plan alterations involved good communication and cooperation skills. An example of this could include our visit to Hastings Castle. The Castle was closed which meant we needed to change locations, and came up with filming at the rock formations. The teachers gave both positive and negative criticisms on the post production element of the trailer which was used to make the final product the best it possibly could be. Fortunately we only needed to re-shoot one scene, the close up of the protagonists eye at the beginning of the trailer, as the first shoot resulted poorly. In terms of changes on the ancillary products, our teacher gave us constructive feedback on the overall layout of the draft version of the movie poster. Stating that the position of the text made it look unbalanced. We used this feedback beneficially and moved the text to make it more symmetrical.
Questionnaire Feedback Why did you use a questionnaire? Why did your use open or closed questions? A questionnaire is one of the easiest ways to get feedback from your target audience, as it allows a large amount of information to be collected in a short amount of time as well as being cost effective. An example of a closed question was: ‘How would you rate the film’, with the option to choose ‘Very good, good, average, poor, very poor’. Whilst an example of an open question included: ‘What did you like most about the film trailer?’. Both are very good in terms of gathering data, however, open questions are more engaging as it shows you are interested in listening to their personal feedback. What did you learn from the feedback? From the feedback that we received from the rest of the class, we found that overall everyone enjoyed the trailer. The only real criticism was that the protagonists shirt was too ‘white and clean’ making his image a bit too unrealistic in the dystopian/post apocalyptic setting of our trailer. Additionally, we learned that the audience enjoyed watching the different editing techniques and unique cinematography within the trailer.
Social Media Feedback What is the advantage of using Social Media? (Blogs, Facebook, YouTube) Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and blogs are known to be ideal in terms of marketing a product to the customer in a short amount of time, for very little money. As Web 2.0 is such a large engine, both mainstream and independent film companies use it all the time to advertise their movies directly to their fan base without needing to spend a penny. In what ways did you use it? For our production, we relied heavily on Web 2.0 for ideas on different genres, fonts styles and sound effects. In terms of marketing the actual product, Facebook was the easiest way to receive feedback, as the majority of my friends are part of the films target audience (15 to 25 years old). Facebook also offers a ‘share’ button, where people can share the trailer on their own page so their friends can view it, and so on, making advertising to a large number of customers, free and quick. Summarise your overall feedback and what you learnt overall. Positive feedback, such as 7 people rating the film trailer as ‘very good’ and 4 categorizing it as ‘good’ gave us a boost in confidence as it meant that all of our hard work paid off, furthermore, the same number of students (7) found that the soundtrack was fully complimentary, whilst 4 found it to be suitable. Positively, no one claimed that our film was ‘confusing’ or that our soundtrack was ‘unsuitable’ which relieved my group member and myself as it showed we were on the right track This being said, the constructive criticisms that we received was also beneficial, 1 person stated that the narrative was ‘obvious’, which isn’t really a negative but in a movie you want the film to be complex to a certain degree because otherwise what's the point of watching it? So if we were to redo the trailer, we would try to make the trailers structure and plot more intriguing.