Elementary Science Leadership Network June 17, 2014 While you are getting settled, think about the NGSS probe and record your answers..


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Presentation transcript:

Elementary Science Leadership Network June 17, 2014 While you are getting settled, think about the NGSS probe and record your answers..

Who are you? Why are you here?

Who are we and why are we here? Next Generation Science Standards Science & Engineering Practices Book Study Today’s Agenda

Learn more about the time line for NGSS implementatio n Understand the architecture of the NGSS Understand the intent of the Science & Engineering Practices Today’s Learning Targets

Picture a Scientist… Record… 5 words that describe the scientist 5 words that describe what that scientist does 5 interactions you have, or might have, with that scientist

Which of the pictures is closest to the scientist you imagined? What does this say about your attitudes about science or scientists? If you did this with your students, what picture would they choose?

There is a critical need to change students’ perceptions of: Who Scientists are / can be Why they are Scientists What Scientists do By Middle School, students have “disciplinary identities” and conceptions of the nature of science. Megan Bang, Professor, Learning Sciences and Human Development & Cognition, UW Institute for Science and Math Education

Purpose of Elementary Science Work Group: QUESTION: How can we transition elementary science, and elementary science teachers, to the Next Generation Science Standards? Identify teachers who are passionate about science instruction and willing to lead the way Support teachers with professional development and cohort collaboration Provide tools and time to evaluate current curriculum, consider additional & supplemental curriculum, field test and adopt curriculum.

Apples Describe your apple Assume you do not have prior experience. Write down as many descriptors as possible. What is each apple part for? How is the styrafoam apple a model of the actual apple? Other models Put a check mark if the observation no longer applies.

Apple How is the word “apple” a model of an apple? Often in science we start with the word, and even with a definition students struggle for context. Also, we perpetuate a misconception that a model must be a 3-D model of the thing.

Next Generation Science Standards What are the principles of the NGSS? Where will you access the NGSS?

THE NGSS WERE BUILT ON THE PRINCIPLES OF A FRAMEWORK FOR K-12 SCIENCE EDUCATION  Children are born investigators  Understanding builds over time  Science and Engineering require both knowledge and practice  Science connects to students’ interests and experiences  Instruction focuses on core ideas and practices  Science learning standards promote equity

KEY SHIFTS IN NGSS Focus: The NGSS are Focused on deeper understanding and application of science content reflecting real-world interconnectedness Coherence: Science and engineering Build Coherently across K–12. Integration: Science and Engineering are Integrated across K–12 in the NGSS.

THREE DIMENSIONS INTERTWINED….  The NGSS are written as Performance Expectations  NGSS will require contextual application of the three dimensions by students.  Focus is on how and why as well as what

Next Generation Science Standards What do you know about the NGSS? Where will you access the NGSS?

Next Generation Science Standards Let’s take a tour… MasteryConnect app

Science & Engineering Practices… Find Appendix F: Science and Engineering Practices Number off to select a practice Skim the introduction: Why are Science and Engineering Practices articulated in each Performance Expectation? To what extent do the practices stand alone versus overlap with each other? Focus on your practice What is the practice? What does it look like and sound like for students to be engaged? Share In which practice have we been engaged?

Embed the Science & Engineering Practices ~50% of points on MSP/Biology EOC are from Systems, Inquiry, and Application standards Science Assessment—WERA December 2013

Grade 5 (et al) example Science Assessment—WERA December 2013 Practice 6: Design solutions More? Crosscutting 2: Cause and effect More? Core Idea 1: Physical sciences From 2012 Updates

Reflect… 3 things you want to make sure you share with your colleagues 2 things that were new for you 1 question you still have

Wiggio Consider: 7 Norms of Collaboration

Exploring Science and Engineering Practices and Structure and Properties of Matter

What is your rule for determining whether something is a liquid or a solid? Pick up a bag of materials and test your rule.

Rule for determining whether something is a solid or a liquid. What is your rule. This is the same as a claim. What evidence supported your claim? What evidence did not support your claim?

Rule for determining whether something is a solid or a liquid. Reflection: Which Science and Engineering Practices did you use? Which standard, and grade level, do you think this might connect to? 2-PS1-1 Plan and conduct an investigation to describe and classify different kinds of materials by their observable properties.

What do you think happens to matter when it changes form?

Gather Materials: Ziplock Bag Alka-Seltzer tablets Water Plastic cup Comic Strip template mL water in the bag. 2. Drop in the tablet 3. Remove air in the bag 4. Observe 5. Refine the process if necessary 6. Create a model of what happens to the particles in the bag

What do you think happens to matter when it changes form? Reflection: How do you know the model you created fits this situation? Which Science and Engineering Practices did you use? Which standard, and grade level, do you think this might connect to? 5-PS1-1 Develop a model to describe that matter is made of particles too small to be seen.

Book Study Before Reading: Scan the book, flip through the chapters… Why do you think I chose this book? What sparks your curiosity? During Reading: Chapters 1 & 2: How can you connect Science & Engineering Practices, and emphasizing them in our instruction, to what you’re reading? What is relevant for right now? Chapter 3: How does this push your thinking specifically about models? What is relevant for right now? After Reading: What are the implications? What are you wondering now?

Reflection & Next Steps The NGSS have been adopted…now what? Sticky Note needs Next Meeting –> October 7 th Location – NEWESD 101 Conference Center Agenda – Sense making, Common Core Connections through NGSS, Book Study