1. What is mass? 2. What is weight? 3. What is the scientific method? › After you define, list all the parts you remember below your answer.
The scientific method is a systematic way to answer questions. It’s the process we go through as scientists to answer questions about the world around us! You go through the scientific method everyday without even thinking about it!
Observe and State the Problem Make a hypothesis Test your hypothesis through an experiment. Record and analyze data. Draw conclusions and communicate results.
(During this video, we will fill in the scientific method graphic organizer)
Today, we are going to talk about the main parts of a good experiment… Hint: It’s not blowing up our classroom!
Let’s say that Brad has a pimple. He wonders what will get rid of it. He’s heard that putting toothpaste on the zit will get rid of it. He’s also heard that lemon juice will get rid of it. He decides to rub his face with lemon juice and toothpaste. The next morning his pimple is gone. But which thing cured him? The toothpaste or the lemon juice?
How many of you think it was the toothpaste? Raise your hand. How many of you think it was the lemon juice? Raise your hand. The truth is…. THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO KNOW FOR SURE BECAUSE THIS IS A BAD EXPERIMENT!!!
1) Independent variables 2) Controls 3) Dependent variable So What Are These?
Variable: A factor that can change in an experiment. Every experiment has two – one is the cause, the other is the effect.
Does crushing a sugar cube effect the rate at which the sugar dissolves in the water? What is the cause and what is the effect?
Crushing the sugar cube is what we predict will be the cause. We change this one! The time it takes to dissolve is what we will see the effect on. We measure this one! Independent Variable This is called the Independent Variable. Dependent Variable This is called the Dependent Variable.
Independent Variable is the cause, the one we will change. Dependent Variable is the effect, the one we will measure.
IV- DV- AgeChances of divorce fertilizer weather Plant height behavior
Does brushing your hair make it grow faster? 1) Identify the independent variable. 2) Identify the dependent variable
Do car accidents increase your car insurance cost? 1) Identify the independent variable. 2) Identify the dependent variable.
A control group is a group that is not treated. For example, if I gave some of you raffle tickets but not everyone…who is my control group? What was the control group in Tim and Moby’s experiments?
Does fertilizer affect plant height? › Independent Variable: fertilizer › Dependent Variable: plant height How can we be sure that the fertilizer is effecting the plant height? What would some constants be? We must have a control to make sure that the fertilizer is the only factor affecting plant height. › Control: Plant that does not receive fertilizer.
Does the temperature outside effect the chances a person will get the flu? -IV: Temperature outside -DV: Chances a person will get the flu -Control: Person
What effect does a car’s speed have on gas mileage? 1) Identify the control.
Does adding salt to water affect the temperature at which it boils? 1) Identify the control.
20 minutes First two with me, Last three with partner Whisper!
We will work this out together to figure out which liquid makes the fluffiest snow!
Independent Practice