Cathryn Payne Video Production
1666 Newton figures out that light has color.
1814 Joseph Niepce creates the first photographic image with the camera obscura. But later the picture faded and it took eight hours of light exposure to show up the image.
1837 Louis Daguerre created the first picture that didn’t fade and it only needed thirty minutes of exposure to light.
1839 The first camera to be invented.
1851 Frederick Scott Archer invented images that only took 3 seconds of exposure to light. He called it the Collodion process.
1884 George Eastman creates flexible photographic film.
1885 A box camera that was very simple with a fixed focus.
1888 Released the first camera system for the basic community. The Kodak roll film camera was made.
1895 The Lumiere brothers showed the first motion picture.
1920s An engineer, Philo Farnsworth invented from other principals the television camera, which changed the image caught into an electrical signal.
1947 Dr. Edwin Land invented the first instant picture.
1980 Sony represents the first consumer camcorder.
1981 A movie video camera was made that recorded single frames. The first digital camera was first shown.
1988 The first true digital camera that could keep track of images internally. The camera used a battery to save the memory.
1997 DVD Max is sold.
1998 Teleworld began the first trial of TiVo device on the public in San Francisco Bay area.
1998 Benwen started selling the first DML thin panel loudspeakers.
1999 The first DLP projector especially made for home theaters was shown by DreamVision.
2000 The first DVD- Audio players entered the sells.
2002 High- Definition Multimedia interface digital video connecter is announced.
2005 The first PC with a duel processors came on the market.
2006 Toshiba released HD DVD player in Japan and later in the United States.
2006 Samsung presents the first Blu-ray Disc player.
2006 VidaBox presented the first Duel HD player. This player is capable of playing both Blu-ray and DVD.