facebook James Buchanan Having determined not to become a candidate for reelection, I shall have no motive to influence my conduct in administering the Government except the desire ably and faithfully to serve my country and to live in grateful memory of my countrymen. WallPhotosFlairBoxesJames BuchananLogout View photos of James (7) Send James a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Pennsylvania Birthday: April 23, 1791 Political: Democratic Religion: Presbyterian Hometown: Mercersburg,Pennsylvania Friends John C Breckenridge Harriet Lane Lewis Cass John B Floyed Aaron V Brown John C Breckenridge to James Bruchanon “Any new thoughts on the new law?” November 9, 1862 Joseph Holt Harriet Lane to James Buchanan “Thanks for making me first lady!” July 5, 1857 Abraham Lincoln I do not know how to help with this depression? Any suggestions? March 23, 1857 James Buchanan seems my new first lady is going to be my niece June 2, 1861 James Buchanan I do not like how many of the states are trying to succeed but it will be okay, the next president can deal with it. July 6, 1860 Franklin Pierce Is so ready for the masons meeting this Monday September 7, 1856 I Smell a rat In the this election
Personal Information facebook James Buchanan Having determined not to become a candidate for reelection, I shall have no motive to influence my conduct in administering the Government except the desire ably and faithfully to serve my country and to live in grateful memory of my countrymen. WallPhotosFlairBoxesJames BuchananLogout View photos of James (7) Send James a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Pennsylvania Birthday: April 23, 1791 Political: Democratic Religion: Presbyterian Hometown: Cove Gap, Pennsylvania Photos Networks: Pennsylvania Sex: Male Birthday: April 23, 1791 Hometown: Cove Gap, Pennsylvania Relationship Status: Single Political Views: Democratic Religious Views: Presbyterian Activities: likes to play cards, read, and entertain friends at his home. Interests: member of the masons, and politics Favorite Music: country Favorite Books: Mr. Buchanan's Administration on the Eve of the Rebellion Favorite Quotations: “life is a highway, so enjoy the ride” About Me: well I’m the president. Friends and Family Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Red Hill Plantation Updated two months ago Education and Work Education College: Dickinson College High School: Local Schools Work Employer: State of Pennsylvania Position: House of Represent Time Period: 1815,1816 Location: Pennsylvania Contact Information Address: Cove Gap, Pennsylvania “I am not a Married man, So hit tha cell”
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesJames BuchananLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of James 7 Photos James’s Albums 2 Photo Albums Friends and Family 5 photosChild hood and Election 54 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo James Buchanan Having determined not to become a candidate for reelection, I shall have no motive to influence my conduct in administering the Government except the desire ably and faithfully to serve my country and to live in grateful memory of my countrymen.
facebook WallPhotosFlairVideosJames BuchananLogout WallInfoPhotosVideos Videos of James 3 Videos James Buchanan Having determined not to become a candidate for reelection, I shall have no motive to influence my conduct in administering the Government except the desire ably and faithfully to serve my country and to live in grateful memory of my countrymen. ”