The Vietnam War was with North Vietnam_and South Vietnam_and the USA__
The __Vietnam War___took place in __1975__
The __Vietnam War___took place in ____
The main reasons why Vietnam Started are: Truman Dismisses General Douglas. Playboy Magazine Debuts. Eisenhower Cites "Domino Theory" Regarding Southeast Asia Ho Chi Minh Creates Provisional Government Following the surrender of Japan to Allied forces, Ho Chi Minh and his People's Congress create the National Liberation Committee of Vietnam to form a provisional government. Japan transfers all power to Ho's Vietminh.Ho Chi Minh
The Vietnam war ended in 1957
1. Vietnam is a small country in Southeast Asia. The Vietnam War was the longest war in which the United States took part. The Vietnam War began in 1957 and ended in The Vietnam War was very unpopular in the United States. Many people demonstrated their displeasure with the war.. 3 The United States suffered 58,151 deaths during the conflict between 1964 and There were 153,303 soldiers wounded, and there are over 2,400 soldiers still missing.
Civil War: WW1: WW2: Vietnam: Iraq War: American Revolutionary War: Gulf War: War in Afghanistan: