Circulatory/Respiratory Test Review Test is Wednesday, December 3rd.
A Heart Diagram N B M C L D K E J I F H G
A. Superior Vena Cava B. Pulmonary Artery C. Pulmonary Valve D A. Superior Vena Cava B. Pulmonary Artery C. Pulmonary Valve D. Right Atrium E. Tricuspid Valve F. Right ventricle G. Inferior Vena Cava H. Septum I. Left Ventricle J. Mitral valve K. Aortic Valve L. Left Atrium M. Pulmonary Vein N. Aorta Heart Diagram Answers
Respiratory Diagram Nasal Cavity Nose Epiglottis Larnyx Trachea Right Bronchus Left Bronchus Alveoli Lung Diaphragm
Circulatory System What are the functions of the 2 sides of the heart? The right side pumps blood to the lungs and the left side pumps blood to the entire body. What is the primary function of red blood cells? The primary functions is to pick up oxygen in the lungs and transport it throughout the body. What are the 4 components that make up blood? Red blood cells White blood cells Platelets Plasma Define veins, arteries and capillaries. Veins: blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart. Arteries: blood vessels that take blood away from the heart. Capillaries: Very narrow vessels that connect arteries to veins.
Circulation Cont. What are the 4 different blood types? A, B, AB, and O. Why is it important to know your blood type? Knowing your blood type is important in the event of a transfusion. Why can both high and low blood pressure be a problem? Low blood pressure: some cells are not getting enough oxygen and other materials. High blood pressure: the pressure force may weaken the vessels and require the heart to work harder to push the blood through.
Respiration Notes What are the two main functions of the respiratory system? What gases are in the air that you breathe? What is cellular respiration? What three body systems are involved in cellular respiration? Through which structures does oxygen move into the lungs? Describe how the diaphragm and the rib cage move. How is the air you inhale different from the air you exhale? What path does air take as it produces sound? Is it possible to speak if you are holding your breath?
Respiratory System Notes Answers Respiratory system get oxygen from the environment and removes carbon dioxide and other wastes from the body. The air you breathe is made up of a mixture of gases including oxygen and nitrogen. A process in which cells use oxygen to release energy stored in sugars. The respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems are involved in cellular respiration. Air inhaled through the nose or mouth enters the throat, passes through the trachea, and moves into the lungs via the bronchial tubes. When you inhale, the diaphragm contracts and pulls downward, while other muscles draw the ribs outward. Air you inhale contains more oxygen and less carbon dioxide than the air you exhale. Air from the lungs passes over the vocal cords. The air travels out over the tongue, and sound waves leave the mouth. No; air is necessary for sounds to be produced.