What you need to know about... Poverty Proofing the School Day Sara Bryson
Can education compensate for society?
This appalling gap between the life chances of poor children and the rest is a scar on the face of English education No school, however impressive, can be an ‘Outstanding School’ if it is not achieving excellence for its most disadvantaged pupils Schools Minister, David Laws MP
‘Everything was fine until the dreaded lunch bell sounded’ ‘Look there’s Hope, She’s got holes in her shoes, Pays nothing for dinners, And holds up the queue’s, Going home with a face full of sorrow, But don’t worry Hope, We’ll get you tomorrow’
Do you know who is poor in your school?
What did we find? Children & Young people were discriminated against and stigmatised in schools (often unintentionally) Exams and resources Extra-Curricular activity Food and the administration of FSM Governance & School Leadership Homework Resources Tutor Groups Uniform
‘the greatest indignity is when one’s children are publicly displayed in the classroom or dining room as the children of a financial incompetent – one who cannot even earn enough to pay for their food.’ Veit-Wilson (1971)
What are we doing? Produce digital toolkit for schools Audit the school day Teacher & Governor training Support to develop & implement an action plan Support to plan pupil premium spending and monitor impact Quality Assurance & Kite Mark
Gorard (2010) ‘Schools, in their structure and organisation, can do more than simply reflect the society we have; they can try to be the precursor of the kind of society that we wish to have’
‘Remove the barriers to learning’ No activity and planned activity in schools should identify, exclude, treat differently or make assumptions about those children whose household income or resources are lower than others.
Acknowledgements Four partner schools: children, young people, parents, staff & governors Joseph Swan Academy, Gateshead Park View Academy, Durham Southwick Primary, Sunderland Westgate Hill Primary, Newcastle Project Steering Group Project Funders
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