Chapter 7 Nationalism and Sectionalism
Focus Question How did transportation developments and industrialization affect the nations economy?
Transportation Revolution Roads First roads were dirt trails 1790 created wilderness roads made of logs Used to reach new territories beyond the Cumberland Mountains
Transportation Revolution Most roads were privately owned Owner expected to make a profit by collecting a toll Used a pike that blocked the road After collecting a toll, the attendant would turn the pike
Transportation Revolution Steamboats 1807 by Robert Fulton the Clermont, made 150 mile trip in 32 hours NYC to Albany up the Hudson River Steam powered ships made it possible for farmers and planters to increase their trade and profits
Transportation Revolution Canals Erie Canal built by State of NY Linked Atlantic with Great Lakes 1817 freight charged 19 cents per ton per mile 1830 less than 2 cents per ton per mile
Erie Canal Farmers no longer depended on the Mississippi passage to New Orleans Increase the settlement area of the Great Lakes
Transportation Revolution It turned New York Harbor into America's number one port
Railroad Began in Britain Replaces Shipping Cargo Passenger use 31,000 miles of track by 1860 Steam Powered initially.
Technology Sparks Industrial Growth Began in Britain in the 1700s Changes in the textile or cloth-making industry British inventor created device to make spinning more efficient
Technology Sparks Industrial Growth Devices include: Spinning Jenny The water frame The power loom
Slater Opens First Textile Mill Samuel Slater Samuel Slater began the American Industrial Revolution with the construction of the first successful textile mill in 1793
Slater Opens First Textile Mill Slater, built the first successful water powered textile mill in Pawtucket, RI in 1793
Lowell Builds Fully Operational Mill Francis Cabot Lowell formed Boston Manufacturing Company
The Boston Manufacturing Company 1813, first factory to operate in which all the processes from raw cotton to finished cloth were completed in a single mill Eliminated loss of time, labor, and materials
The Boston Manufacturing Company The rivers made it cheaper for mills to run their factory utilizing water power Cheap labor of women and children Easier for mills to produce products The Lowell Mill had supplied all the necessary elements of textiles under one roof, which replaced the putting out system (which enabled workers to bring home cloth or thread for the workers to create clothing/cloth at home). The Lowell Mill supplied numerous individuals with the comfort of already made clothing, and produced ample sizes.
Inventions Transform Industry and Agriculture Eli Whitney While making guns for the government, Realize that if the parts were all made exactly the same They could be used on any similar gun
New Methods of Production Created a system of interchangeable parts Took 10 years to create 10,000 guns Could not be sure the parts were exact Other inventors perfected the the system of Interchangeable parts
Cotton Gin Whitney learned that Southern planters were in desperate need of a way to make the growing of cotton profitable
Cotton Gin In 1794 Eli Whitney received a patent for his cotton gin After the invention of the cotton gin, the yield of raw cotton doubled each decade after 1800 Making cotton the dominate crop in the South
Inventions and Improvements
Shoes and Sewing Machines Charles Goodyear Vulcanized rubber in 1839 Didn’t freeze in cold weather or melt in hot weather First used to protect boots and shoes from snow and mud, eventually tires
Shoes and Sewing Machines Elias Howe Clothing industry Invented the sewing machine in 1846 First used in shoe factories
Shoes and Sewing Machines I.M. Singer Added the foot treadle for use in homes- 1851 Price of clothing dropped by 75%, Allowing more people to afford to buy clothes at a store
Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution changed the way people worked by having them use machines to do jobs previously done by hand
Daily Quiz
Name the first great canal built in the 1820’s that connects the East to the West. Erie Canal
Which man played a significant role in creating or introducing the cotton gin, mass production, interchangeable parts? Eli Whitney
Name two results of the Erie Canal. Increase the settlement area of the Great Lakes was highly profitable for New York Cities and industries along the canal developed and flourished
Who built a centralized textile factory Francis Cabot Lowell
What American industry first used machines to do work previously done by hand? Textiles
Section 2 preview: SECTIONALISM Focus Question: Why did industrialization take root in the North? Sectional Difference North vs. South Tariff of 1816 Factory System Cotton Gin Labor Unions Middle Class Emerges Emigration: Ireland/Germans