Do they look good and feel good?
Whom do you like better, the thin or the fat? Why?
What’s the man trying to do?
1. If you are a bit over-weight, how would you lose weight? Pair work Discussion
going on a diet Doing exercise
receiving surgical treatment receiving surgical treatment taking weight-loss pills taking weight-loss pills
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them? Discuss
advantagesdisadvantages going on a diet exercising in the gym receiving surgical treatment taking weight-loss pills lose weight weak tired keep fit; lose weight waste time have to pay lose weight waste money feel weak lose weight waste money damage health
Which method would you prefer?
Reading (I) Unit 3 Dying to be thin
Guess the meaning of the title Possible answers:
1. What’s the main point of each in the text? Finish Part C2 on page 44. Pair work Skimming
SubjectMain point Amy is recovering from liver failure. Recovering Re: Recovering Zhou Ling is sorry to hear about Amy’s problem and hopes that she as well as all the others who’d like to lose weight will value the importance of health.
Read the three s then finish Part C1 on page 44 Careful reading
1. According to Paragraph 2 in the first , Amy is an actress, _______. A. who often exercises B. who wanted to lose weight C. who became ill D. who ate little Read the first two s again carefully and then choose the best answer.
2. Why did Amy decide to take weight- loss pills? A. She was overweight. B. She was having problems. C. Her clothes did not fit. D. She wanted to become slimmer.
3. The pills did great harm to Amy’s _______. A.heart B. lungs C. liver D. eyes
4. What does Amy do now in order to recover? A. She goes to the gym every day. B. She does exercise and eats healthy food. C. She stays in bed all day. D. She takes a lot of medicine.
5. Zhou Ling, Amy’s friend, _______. A. did not want to read Amy’s s B. was sorry to hear about Amy’s problem C. thinks Amy should lose weight D. thinks diets and weight-loss pills are necessary
6. Amy’s experience is _______. A. an interesting one B. caused by her family C. like that of some people in China D. a problem only for actresses
Read the text again, find out the sentences containing ‘however’ and ‘but’ and try to understand the differences in meaning. Practice
1. I’ve lost 7 kg in the last two months. However, sometimes I don’t feel so energetic. (L10-11P 42.) 2. She says health is the most important ting, and I agree, but then I look so slim at the moment. (L11-12 P42.) 3. I’m so sorry to hear about your problem, but I’m glad you’re feeling better and are recovering. (L32-33 P 43.)
Understanding sentences with ‘however’ or ‘but’. What’s the difference in meaning between the sentences before and after‘however’ and ‘but’? The two sentences usually express something different and opposite. Reading strategy
1. Learning the guitar isn’t difficult, ______ you have to practise. 2. Rick was very successful. ________, the last few years of his life were not happy ones. 3. My neighbors like loud pop music, ______ I don’t like. 4. So far I haven’t had any success, _______, I’ll keep trying. but However but however
The title “Dying to be thin” means: What she did to become thin caused great harm to her health.
1) 她渴望见到你。 2) 现在许多年轻人渴望出国。 We are dying to be thin. We are dying for a slim figure. be dying to do She is dying to see you. Many young people are dying to go abroad now.
1. Read the text again to get a better understanding. 2. Finish Part D1,D2 and E on page45 3. Exercise Ⅰ & Ⅱ on page73-74 《学案》 4. 要点讲练 page75-80 《学案》 Homework
Reading (II) Unit 3 Dying to be thin
Discussion What do you think is the best way for teenagers to keep healthy? ● going on a diet ● taking exercise regularly ● enough sleep ● healthy diet ● receiving surgical treatment ● taking weight-loss pills ● be confident …
Ⅰ Complete the following spelling: 1. It is well-known that smoking h_____ our health. 2. He tried his best to explain, but he f_____ to make his parents believe him. 3. It’s a s _____ that the youths nowadays don’t give seats to those in need. arms ailed hame Practice
4. He is an e_______ tennis player and always performs well. 5. Could you tell me e_____ what the teacher has said? 6.The girl climbed the tree an hid in the _______ ( 枝杈 ). 7. ________ ( 化学 ) labs are available to students in our school. xactly Chemistry nergetic branches
8. I am ______ ( 建议 ) to turn to the policeman for help. 9. The Great Wall ______ ( 吸引 ) many foreigners every year. 10. Children are asked to behave _______ ( 合适地 ) in public. advised attracts properly
1. We should take regular _______ and eat healthy food to keep fit. 2. We _____ awake all night in order to see the sunrise the next morning. 3. Have you _________ this maths problem yet? exercise stayed worked out II. Fill in the blanks with the right forms: stay, recover, exercise, treatment, diet, contain, damage, work, suffer, work out
4. The alarm clock didn’t _____ so I was late for school this morning. 5. This book ________ all the information you need. 6. The woman was surprised at the ________ of her stolen jewels. 7. Many companies are ________ from a shortage of skilled workers. work contains suffering recovery
8. He is on a ____ to reduce some weight. 9. He is receiving _________ for liver failure. 10. The flood did a lot of ________ to the crops. diet treatment damage
III. Translate the following into English: 1. 我了解很多关于香港的事,我真想去看一看。 I heard a lot about Hong Kong, I’m dying to see it. 2. 我们小时候每年冬天都去滑冰。 When we were children we used to/would go skating every winter. 3. 我经常努力锻炼身体以保持健康 。 I work out regularly to keep fit.
4. 那个网站上的图片值得看一看。 5. 你应当对你自己的愚蠢行为感到羞耻。 6. 听我的忠告让其维持原状好了 。 The pictures on the website are worth a look. You should be ashamed of your foolish behavior. Take my advice and leave it as it is.
Enjoy some proverbs: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Health is better than wealth. Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth. Health is not valued until sickness comes.
1. Finish Part A1, A2 on page Recite the new words and phrases of Reading. 3. Exercise Ⅲ on page74 《学案》 4. 基础知识整理 on page 《学案》 Homework
Suppose you are Amy’s best friend. If you are going to write a letter to her, what will you say to her? And what advice would you give to Amy?
Fast reading Read the three s quickly and answer the following questions. 1. Where does Amy come from? Canada. 2. What kind of pills did Amy take? Weight-loss pills (which are) called fat-less.