AIMS Teacher Training Spring 2013. Arizona’s Instrument to Measure Standards  Standards Based Assessment  Developed by Arizona teachers  Owned by Arizona.


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Presentation transcript:

AIMS Teacher Training Spring 2013

Arizona’s Instrument to Measure Standards  Standards Based Assessment  Developed by Arizona teachers  Owned by Arizona  Measures student proficiency of the Arizona Academic Content Standards in Writing, Reading, Mathematics, and Science  Required by state and federal law Overview of Arizona’s Assessment Program

Arizona’s Assessments for our Schools  Stanford 10  Norm-referenced  Grades 2  AIMS (Dual Purpose Assessment)DPA 3-8  Standards based & norm-referenced  Grades 3 through 8 Overview of Arizona’s Assessment Program

AIMS 3-8  AIMS 3-8 contains both AIMS items and Stanford 10 items.  AIMS items are based on the grade specific Arizona Academic Content Standards.  Stanford 10 items are nationally-normed items.  Also contains PARCC items that are being piloted. Overview of Arizona’s Assessment Program

AIMS AIMS portion scored using the FAME scale E xceeds the Standard M eets the Standard A pproaches the Standard F alls Far Below the Standard Percentile ranks will be reported for the Stanford 10 portion of the AIMS 3-8 test Failing Passing Overview of Arizona’s Assessment Program

Stanford 10  Reading  Selected response  Language  Selected response  Mathematics (Children do not have the questions on their tests. Questions are read by teacher – maximum of 2 times.)  Selected response  Percentile ranks are reported Overview of Arizona’s Assessment Program

Students to Be Tested Test Schedule Spring 2013 Test Administration

All Arizona public school students in Grades 2 and above will participate in testing as described in the following slides. Students to Be Tested

 All AIMS tests and Stanford 10 tests are untimed.  Times are provided for planning purposes only.  Students must be allowed to finish testing even if the scheduled time for the test has elapsed.  There are breaks scheduled within all days of AIMS and Stanford 10 testing. Test Administration Schedules

 Students in Grades 3-8 are expected to test in all content areas as determined by grade AIMS 3-8 GradeWritingScienceReadingMath TCM p6

AIMS DPA 3-8  Writing (Gr. 5-7 only)  One extended writing prompt  Reading  Multiple choice  Includes AIMS Writing Items  Includes Stanford 10 Reading and Language Items  Mathematics  Multiple choice  Includes Stanford 10 Mathematics Items  Science (Gr. 4 & 8 only)  Multiple choice

Monday, April 15 th  Gr. 5, 6, 7- Writing  Gr. 4 & 8- Science Pt. 1 & 2 Tuesday, April 16 th  Gr. 2- Reading  Gr Reading Pt. 1, Math Pt. 1 School Wide Testing Schedule

 Special Education  2 nd Grade S10 – Ms. Rhea in Pull-Out C  3-4 th Grade AIMS – Ms. Oliver in KEEP Rm  5-8 th Grade AIMS – Ms. Maceyko and Ms. Miller on stage and Pull-Out A  Special Education Teachers will provide a detailed schedule with who will be pulled out and for which tests. Job Duties TAD p 8 - 9

 Mr. Sanders: Cover Ms. Kannalikham’s JH Computer classes – in gym.  Mrs. K.: Proctor AIMS to AIMers who arrive after 9:00AM in Library  Coach Hancock: Assist in Library  Miss Chapman: Assist Mr. Ogden Job Duties TAD p 8 - 9

Wednesday, April 18 th  8:30- 10:00 a.m: Gr. 2- Math  8:30- 11:00 a.m: Gr Reading Pt. 2, Math Pt. 2 Thursday, April 19 th  8:30- 10:00 a.m: Gr. 2- Language  8:30- 11:00 a.m: Gr Reading Pt. 3, Math Pt. 3 School Wide Testing Schedule School Wide Testing Schedule (with approximate times)

-SILENT STRETCH BREAKS- Between the tests, students are allowed to take a 5-minute silent stretch break in their classrooms. They may stand next to their desk and stretch, but they are not allowed to talk during this time. The teacher may lead the class in a series of stretches during the break. School Wide Testing Schedule

 Students who have not completed a portion of the test (only 3 left testing) will need to go to Ms. Kannalikham/Coach Hancock in the Library to finish. For students who need more time…

Do all students for AIMS 3-8 start testing on the same day? No, students in grade 3 do not test on either Writing or Science so their first day of testing will be Day 2.

Test Security

 Test Administrators and Test Proctors must sign a copy of the Spring 2013 AIMS/Stanford 10 Test Security Agreement and adhere to test security procedures.  Signed Test Security Agreements must be kept for 6 years at the school.

Test Security

All Test Materials must be kept in secure, locked storage when the students are not testing. Place in bin, return to Mr. Ogden Each day, the teachers must check – out and return these materials to Mr. Ogden For AIMS Testing in Gr. 3-8, the use of scratch paper or extra paper is prohibited. Students may write directly in their test books when needed. For Gr. 3, that writing should only be in pencil and only away from the bubbles. For Gr. 4-8, students may use colored pencils, highlighters, pens, etc. to mark their non-scorable test books if needed.

Preparation of Test Room Test Administrator and Proctor

 Test rooms should be prepared prior to day of testing  Help student performance by providing  Good lighting (Open blinds)  Good ventilation (Use Fan and A/C)  Freedom from distractions and interruptions Preparation of Test Room

 Student seating should be arranged so that:  Students cannot easily see the answer documents of others (Spread seats out)  Test administrators and proctors can walk by each student.  Desks and tables should be cleared of backpacks and unnecessary materials Preparation of Test Room

 Materials that can be posted in testing room  AIMS Mathematics Reference Sheets  AIMS Science Reference Sheet  Holistic Rubric Based on 6 Traits Official Scoring Guide (You are encouraged to go over these with your students prior to the test so that they become comfortable in using them.)  Materials must match the grade level tested All other visual aids that could assist students while testing must be removed or covered completely Preparation of Test Room

 Authorized resources:  Dictionaries and thesauri must be available for the prompt section of the AIMS Writing tests for grades 5-7. Preparation of Test Room

It is important that all test proctors have a positive attitude about the test. Their positive attitude will then be reflected in their students. If the teacher is excited about the testing, and stresses how great it is to get the opportunity to “show what they know” to his/her students, the students will be excited about it, too. Mental Preparation TAD p 8 - 9

Make sure send a special (the week prior to testing) to the parents about the importance of their children- Getting a good night’s sleep Eating a good breakfast Arriving to school on time Not being picked up from school early. Physical Preparation TAD p 8 - 9

gQLqv9f4o Commercial Break… TAD p 8 - 9

Test Administration Test Administrator

Test Administration  AIMS and Stanford 10 are standardized tests.  Test Administrators should be given the AIMS Test Administration Directions or Stanford 10 Directions for Administering prior to testing.  Test Administrators must follow the directions and read the script exactly as stated in the AIMS Test Administration Directions or in the Stanford 10 Directions for Administering.

During Testing Students should be allowed to work at their own pace. Monitoring should consist of:  Supervising the room at all times during testing (actively monitoring).  Answering student questions that pertain to clarification of test directions.  Checking that students are progressing through test.

During Testing  Students may not have access to any electronic devices including computers, calculators, cell phones, iPad, Kindles, etc. Electronic Devices !

During Testing With disruptive students and students suspected of cheating…  Stop disruptive behavior or suspected cheating.  Allow student to continue to test.  Student may be moved to a different location so that others may continue testing undisturbed.  Student may be subject to disciplinary procedures after completion of testing.  Document as many details as possible and report to Mr. Ogden Quiet, please.

During Testing For students who leave the room during testing-  Students may be allowed to go to the restroom, if necessary, during testing.  Ms. Harrell to monitor Building B  Mr. Hancock to monitor Building C  Only one student may leave at a time.  Collect student’s test materials before the student leaves the room and give back upon student’s return.

During Testing Students who leave school during testing AIMS 3-8 and Stanford 10-  Student will not be permitted to finish that testing session when he/she returns to school.  Student may participate in other testing sessions upon returning to school.

Scenario: A 5 th grade student left a few minutes after starting Reading Part 2 (student did not start Mathematics Part 2). Which parts may student make-up when he/she returns to school? Student may not make-up Reading Part 2. Student may make-up Mathematics Part 2.

 Students close test book and answer document.  Place answer document on top of test book.  Raise hand.  You will collect the test materials.  Once test materials have been collected student can read or work silently on classwork.  No electronic devices are allowed. As students finish testing

 Most students should have time to finish the test during the allotted testing session.  Students who need additional time must be allowed to finish testing. A testing session must be completed within the school day. End of Testing Session

 Account for all test books and answer documents at the end of each testing session.  Missing test books and answer documents must be accounted for prior to dismissing any students. End of Testing Session

Inspect each test book and answer document-  Ensure that the student’s name is on the front of the test book AND answer document.  Place test books and answer documents in separate stacks in alphabetical order.  Ensure that all marks on the scorable materials are in No. 2 pencil.  Collect the No. 2 pencils. End of Testing Session

 Ensure that Pre-ID label is affixed or the demographic data is bubbled in.  Ensure that the form is bubbled on every answer document.  Complete any necessary accommodation bubbles in section K with the help of the special educator. End of Testing Session

 All test materials must be returned to Mr. Ogden or Ms. Smith in the Electrical Room at the end of each testing session. -Call the front desk and somebody will relieve you. (These must be returned by the teacher/staff member, not a student.)  No test materials may be left in a testing room overnight. End of Testing Session

Accommodations Test Administrator and Proctor October 25 AIMS HS Writing Signin/Signo ut Sheet Student Signin Signout Name October 25 AIMS HS Writing Signin/Signo ut Sheet Student Signin Signout Name

Accommodations All Test Administrators must read and be familiar with: AIMS Testing Accommodations: Guidelines for School Year

 State assessments are to be administered in a standardized way.  Guidance and scripted directions in the Test Administration Directions will assure a standardized test administration. Universal Test Administration Conditions

UTAC may be offered to any student in order to provide a comfortable and distraction-free testing environment. Universal Test Administration Conditions (UTAC)

Standard Accommodations  Standard accommodations are provisions made in how a student accesses and demonstrates learning that do not substantially change the instructional level, the content, or the performance criteria.  Use of standard accommodations are considered valid for comparison and accountability purposes.

Standard Accommodations Standard accommodations are available to:  Students with certain injuries.  English Language Learners.  FEP Year 1 and Year 2 students.  Students with an IEP or 504 plan.

Recording Accommodations  Test administrators (with assistance by the special education teacher) must record the use of standard accommodations in section K of the AIMS demographic data grid on the student answer document.  See Mr. Ogden if you feel you need to provide a standard accommodation.  Detailed directions for marking the use of standard accommodations are in the Test Administration Directions.

 Accommodations are listed in the Accommodations Guidelines with a number that will correspond to the bubble in the answer document Recording Accommodations

A student received standard accommodations for both ELL and IEP. Which accommodations are recorded? 1. Only ELL accommodations 2. Only IEP accommodations 3. All accommodations that apply

Student Identification Information

Student Bar Code (Pre-ID) Labels  If student has a label, use it. If you have a student in class who does not have a label, the demographic page on the answer document must be completed by you—not the student.  If the Pre-ID label is incorrect, you will need to hand-bubble in the information on the demographic page of the answer document.

 We will pre-affix labels on test booklets for you in advance Pre-ID Labels George Hunt Mr Freemont Prickly Pear Elementary School Tumbleweed Unified

 YOU are responsible for bubbling student demographic data on scorable AIMS and Stanford 10 materials for students without Pre-ID labels.  Student demographic data may be bubbled before or after testing  Please ask Ms. Iden for needed information. Bubbling Demographic Data

Directions for bubbling student demographic data are included in all Test Administration Directions and Directions for Administering

Signature Teacher School District If you have a Pre-ID label, use it. Student must write name on line labeled “Student Name.”

The student identified on the Pre-ID label must be the same student whose handwritten name is next to the Pre-ID label.

Even though our school receives labels for students, we also bubble to confirm that all information is correct. Is this OK? No, it is a waste of time and can result in errors. The label information will override the bubbled information. If label is incorrect, do not use it.

 6:30-7:30am check out your tests from Mr. Ogden in front office  Post district and school name sign on your board (for spelling purposes)  LOCK tests in classroom  Flag Pole attendance  All student items in cubbies  Place “Testing in Progress” sign on door  Student Preparation (positive affirmation, brain gym/exercises, etc.)  Set Clear Expectations  During and After  Bathroom Visits A Day In The Life Of AIMS/S10

 Notify office when you have 3 or less students still testing (staff will come to escort- no loan roaming students)  Notify office when all students have completed testing  Resume regular instructional day  NO NEW CONCEPTS  I Love America (Binder/M:Drive) A Day In The Life Cont.

 Student desk dump (minimize temptation of distractions during testing)  Remind students to bring H2O!  Cover ANYTHING/EVERYTHING academic/resourceful (including BB in hallways)  Space desks (specifically for testing)  100% Positive 100% Attendance 100% Success!  Books/packets ready in student desks (in preparation for finishing test)  Lesson Plans –reflect NO HOMEWORK The Friday Before….