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“The premium committee is appointed by the general members democratically. There are 10 members, four of them women. It is quite good because nowadays gender equality is the message. The premium has provided us with a lot like the boreholes and electricity, and we have put medicines in a clinic here. These projects could not happen without the Fairtrade premium. I would be so happy if our whole volume of sugar that we are producing could be sold at a fair trade price.” Sara Chiudsi, Vice Chairman Kasinthula Sugar Growers, Malawi
Craft Aid, Mauritius Sugar-Packing
“It is difficult for small producers to make a living from our work here. Many farmers have had to sell their land and move to the city. Now, with fair trade I expect my son will have access to a better education.” Pili Contreras MiFruta, Chile Raisins
“Fairtrade is the opportunity we needed to have a dignified income from our work and to improve the quality of life of our families.” Richard Astudillo, Member of MiFruta Board
Eksteenskuil Agricultural Co-operative, South Africa Raisins
“On the premium committee we have prepared a list of long-term and short-term things that we would like. For short-term things we want to help the community. For instance, we have thought of giving a sewing machine to a widow. There are lots of benefits of selling to Agrocel. First you have the know-how and that helps to get a better crop. Also somebody is monitoring the crop for me. We get seeds and other things we need for farming and we don’t have to pay interest. If we went to a shopkeeper we would have had to pay that interest from day one, so that is an advantage. Also, there is the machinery which we can use.” Dharam Pal, a member of the Fairtrade Premium Committee. Agrocel, India Basmati rice
“Fair trade allows the producer to live and doesn’t take advantage of the consumer. Each should take care of each other.” Saphanfa Nawboonniyom Green Net Co-operative, Thailand, Jasmine Rice
“I think there is much to be done. Producers that can achieve fair trade are just the tip of the iceberg. There are thousands, millions, out there still waiting for a chance. Fair trade products are indeed an instrument of justice.” Chino Heriques, General Manager Apicoop, Chile Honey and Dried Blueberries “If Apicoop didn’t exist the best we could do would be to sell [honey] locally, but we would be able to sell only about one ton. There were times here when there were beekeepers but they all quit because there was no market. If there was no Apicoop to buy the honey, it would not make sense that we worked in this.” Guido Guenupan
“Before Anapqui] we were selling to middle traders and there were three local ones in the area. The quinoa did not have the value that it has now and also we were producing more, so we were getting a lower price and sometimes we did not sell it for money, we only bartered it for other products like sugar and flour. Anapqui, Bolivia Quinoa Fisser Garcia The difference, especially with the private companies, is that when we sell our products to Anapqui, at the end of the year, if Anapqui has profits they share them with all the members. If a private company has profits they keep them for themselves, they do not share anything.”
Who in the World...?