Impact evaluation of Climate Change interventions Dr Virinder Sharma, DFID India
Current state of play on IE of CC and Environment interventions 2008 Review- Adaptation: evaluations based on qualitative methods »Stakeholder interviews »Lack baselines »Not integrated into project Mitigation: Desk reviews, interviews and short visits Lack of counterfactual analysis Exceptions: PES, Protected areas and Forest conservation
Challenges of conducting IE of CC Environment- Long term lag between intervention and impact ; Environmental & welfare outcomes Adaptation indicators and success? Focused on CB & governance processes Mitigation - how to assess impact on welfare and the adaptation co-benefits Possible approaches: Use behavioural change as a proxy Use indicators of development effectiveness to assess impact on adaptive capacity
Determinants of adaptive capacity Adaptive capacity is determined by access to and control over livelihood resources Access and control over these resources are determined by policies, institutions and power structures
SL framework: Determinants of adaptive capacity Livelihood resources Examples HumanKnowledge of climate risks, conservation agriculture skills SocialWomen’s savings and loans groups, farmer-based organizations PhysicalIrrigation infrastructure, seed and grain storage facilities NaturalReliable water source, productive land FinancialMicro-insurance, diversified income sources Policies, institutions and power structures
Sustainable Livelihoods Framework: 14 Household vulnerability indicators
DFID RL projects: IE Methodology Objective: Comprehensive Impact Evaluation based on qualitative and quantitative analysis Whether there is change, what contributed to change? Is is attributable to the project? Design: Counterfactual analysis; Mix Design and Cross-sectional; difference in difference estimation Instruments: HH schedule; FGD checklist, MoP, LIMES Sample: Random selection of intervention/control groups. 32 MWS Project, 16 MWS Control Project 1400 hh (64 villages), Control 700 hh (32 villages)
Sample Profile BPL - 67% (P), 62% (C) ST- 49% (P), 29% (C)
Socio-economic, Climate/Environment outcomes Increase in Livelihood Assets
Socio-economic, Climate/environment Outcomes Improvement in disaster coping capacity CategoryProject (%)Control (%) Marginal farmers 7466 Small Farmers7577 Medium Farmers88
Critical reflection of IE in CC and Development programmes Climate Change: local vs. macro impacts regional/global) CCA and development: Uncertainty, risk management, vulnerability and resilience (transformative?) Participation approaches (Low income) vs. heterogeneity Political economy/governance issues Application to Government programmes- Physical and Financial achievements vs. Inputs & outputs Outcome budgeting (indicators) outcomes-impact Results Framework Document: success indicators Evidence of effectiveness of funds/interventions; What works- what doesn’t- circumstances-cost Positive examples : Watershed, NREGA/Green Jobs
Potential Impacts of Climate variability in Western Orissa: drought
Potential Impacts of Climate variability in Western Orissa- sand casting/flash floods