Ms. Stewart Computer Applications
A non-traditional career is defined as one where more than 75 percent of the workforce is of the opposite gender -– or conversely where fewer than 25 percent of the workforce is of your gender. traditional_careers.html
For women, many non-traditional careers fall into a few broad categories of jobs: labor- intensive, scientific/technical, and supervisory. traditional_careers.html
Airline Pilots Announcer Architects Auctioneers Bellhops and Porters Carpenters/Constructi on Workers Chefs and Head Cooks Clergy Dentists Electricians Engineers Engineers Film Directors Firefighters Fishers, Hunters, Trappers Funeral Directors Garbage/Waste Collectors Groundskeepers and Gardeners Hospital Administrators traditional_careers.html
Logging Workers Machinists Mail Carriers Mathematicians Mechanics Meter Readers Optometrists Parking Lot Attendants Pest Control Specialists Scientists and Science Teachers Security Guards Security Guards Security and Fire System Installers Service Station Attendants Taxicab Drivers and Chauffeurs Tow Truck Operators Truck Drivers Welders traditional_careers.html
While fewer non-traditional careers are available for men than for women, these careers tend to involve education, health, and service-related jobs. traditional_careers.html
Bank Tellers Bookkeepers Cashiers Child Care Workers Clerical/Administrat ive Support Workers Cosmetologists Court Reporters Court Reporters Dental Assistants and Hygienists Dental Assistants Elementary and Middle School Teachers Flight Attendants Hair Stylists Home Health Aides Hotel Clerks Librarians Maids and Housekeepers traditional_careers.html
Nurses Nurses Occupational and Physical Therapists Physical Therapists Receptionists Secretaries Sewing Machine Operators Social Workers Speech pathologists Teacher Assistants traditional_careers.html