Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business Introduction to the Australian Curriculum: English Literacy as a general capability
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business The Australian Curriculum: English
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business Role of English curriculum in teaching literacy In the Early Years, English provides the foundational skills knowledge and understandings for further learning (Shaping paper May 2009 p11)
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business Three strands Language knowing about the English language Literature understanding, appreciating, responding to, analysing and creating literature Literacy expanding the repertoire of English usage.
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business What is the relationship between the three strands?
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business
Achievement standards Scope and sequence provided Other important bits
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business Integrated and balanced curriculum Language and literacy taught through literature: Texts provide the medium for communication (p4). Content descriptions incorporate all modes in an ‘integrated and interdependent way’. Achievement standards divided into comprehending modes (listening, viewing, reading) and composing modes (speaking, creating and writing) (p5).
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business LITERATURE LITERACY Phonemic awareness Grapho- phonics LANGUAGE Handwriting / spelling / punctuation / grammatical accuracy Language for comprehending, creating, discussing and responding to literary/creative works. plays drama Enjoying, appreciating, interpreting and creating literary works in a variety of modes and media: picture books poetry graphic novels chapter books films multimodal texts biographiesspeeches rhymes novels short stories Personal responses Reviews Character analyses Thematic interpretations Responding to a range of creative works: How language works in its various modes and settings for different purposes and audiences, from the level of the text through to the word. Comprehending, composing, using and critically engaging with texts: - for a variety of purposes (eg describing, explaining, arguing, recounting) - interacting with a range of audiences (from familiar through more formal) - in different modes and media (oral, written, digital and multimedia) - from a variety of sources (eg popular media, textbooks, workplaces, community) - to build knowledge across all areas of the curriculum - using appropriate strategies and processes Bev Derewianka: Literacy in Science. Presentation at Literacy Leaders’ Network, June 20th Handout 1
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business Literacy as a general capability
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business The Literacy capability - two overarching processes: Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating Applicable to both processes: –Text knowledge –Grammar knowledge –Word knowledge –Visual knowledge
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business Organising elements of literacy
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business Literacy is everyone’s business… all teachers are responsible for teaching the subject-specific literacy of their learning area all teachers need a clear understanding of the literacy demands and opportunities of their learning area literacy appropriate to each learning area can be embedded in the teaching of the content and processes of that learning area. (Draft) Literacy General Capability: ACARA Nov 2011
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business Theoretical Background Based on a social view of language: considers how language works to construct meaning in different social and cultural contexts Vygotsky (1976) Brice Heath (1983) Halliday and Hasan (1985) Freebody and Luke (1990) Gee (1991, 2008) Christie and Derewianka (2008) Handout 2
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business Text knowledge learning about the structure and purpose of a range of imaginative, informative and persuasive texts, and how these are used in different learning areas learning about text cohesion identifying and using text features to access and navigate print and digital texts.
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business Grammar knowledge learning how different types of sentence structures – including simple, compound and complex sentences – are used to structure ideas and present information in different learning areas learning how different types of words – including nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives and word groups such as phrases – are used to convey information and ideas in different learning areas learning how opinion and point of view are presented through specific word choices in different types of texts.
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business Word knowledge understanding and using new vocabulary, including learning area vocabulary, to compose and comprehend texts in different learning areas developing strategies to spell a range of subject- specific words.
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business Visual knowledge understanding how visual elements create meanings using features such as construction, placement of elements, framing and colour composing and comprehending a range of visual forms typical of each learning area, including illustrations, film, maps, graphs and digital graphics.
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business Literacy capability and English Relationship with the English curriculum The general capability of Literacy is drawn from the content descriptions in the Language and Literacy strands of the English curriculum. The literacy knowledge and skills are developed and applied through all three strands: Language, Literature and Literacy. Source: English/General capabilities /Literacy
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business Literacy Continuum Australian Curriculum: English LanguageLiteracy Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing Expressing and developing ideas Interpreting, analysing, evaluating Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating Language for interaction Interacting with others Creating texts Text knowledge Text structure and organisation Concepts of print and screen Interpreting, analysing, Evaluating Creating texts Grammar knowledge Expressing and developing ideas Language for interaction Word knowledge Expressing and developing ideas Visual knowledge Expressing and developing ideas Interpreting, analysing, evaluating, creating texts Source: Literacy as a general capability p5 Handout 3
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business Literacy in the learning areas The Literacy general capability has been developed for use across the curriculum in all learning areas. It is written for teachers of all years of schooling and learning areas and incorporates language and literacy demands specific to learning areas other than English. English/General capabilities /Literacy
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business T ext knowledge: in history By the end of Year 2 students By the end of Year 4 students By the end of Year 6 students By the end of Year 8 students By the end of Year 10 students Including: Historical retellings of an event Descriptions of a historical figure or place Narratives built around historical events Including: Historical reports of an event Historical narratives told from a particular perspective Descriptions of a historical figure or place Including: Historical recounts of a series of events with some summative commentary Historical narratives that retell past events from a particular personal or cultural perspective Detailed descriptions of particular places from the past demonstrating use of source material Persuasive texts for example presenting a particular point of view in relation to an historical event or figure Including: Historical recounts of a series of events with some evaluative or summative commentary Historical narratives that retell past events from a particular personal or cultural perspective - detailed descriptions of particular places from the past demonstrating use of evidence from sources Explanations for example that present the causes of an event - discussion texts with supporting evidence Including: Historical recounts of a series of events or developments within a chronological framework with some summative or evaluative commentary Explanations that consider past events from a particular personal or cultural perspective Detailed descriptions of particular places from the past demonstrating use of primary and secondary source material, using appropriate referencing - discussion texts for example that present historical arguments with supporting evidence Source: Literacy as general capability pp Handouts 4 and 5
Literacy Secretariat Literacy is everyone’s business Handout 6 Source: Literacy as general capability Learning Continuum