Air Education and Training Command I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENT (PFA) C/ GARCIA, JOSHUA Physical.


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Presentation transcript:

Air Education and Training Command I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENT (PFA) C/ GARCIA, JOSHUA Physical Training Squadron Commander Sustaining the Combat Capability of America’s Air Force

2 AETC Overview PFA? Fitness Assessment Components. Assessment Procedures. Body Composition Assessment and Procedures. Aerobic Fitness Assessment. Muscular Fitness Assessment. Minimum Passing Requirements. QUESTIONS?

PFA? The Air Force uses an overall composite fitness score to determine overall fitness. Minimum does NOT constitute a passing score. Overall fitness is directly related to health risk, including risk of disease and death. Physically fit = Healthy life style. 3 AETC

4 Body composition component Aerobic Component. Alternative aerobic test Muscular Fitness component. Fitness Assessment Components AETC

Assessment Procedures Body composition (height, weight and Abdominal circumference). The muscular fitness component (Push-ups and Sit-ups) accomplished before 1.5 mile run or alternate 1.0 mile walk. There is a three minute minimum (3 min.) rest period between components.

AETC Body Composition Assessment and Procedures Height,Weight and Abdominal Circumference, 72 hrs prior to the PFA event. The Abdominal circumference is used to obtain the body composition score. (≤ 35.0” MALES and ≤ 31.5” for Females).

AETC Body Composition Assessment and Procedures Measuring Tape Position for Abdominal Circumference.

Aerobic Fitness Assessment 1.5 mile run or the alternate test, the 1.0 mile walk. The 1.5 mile run = 6 laps to a 400 meter track. it is a timed exercise. The 1.0 mile walk is a alternated event. This test measures your heart rate maximum oxygen level. 8 AETC

Muscular Fitness Assessment Consisting of 1 minute of Push-ups and 1 minute of Sit-ups. CORRECT PUSH-UPS and SIT-UPS. Push-ups, 9 AETC

Sit-ups, 10 Muscular Fitness Assessment AETC

Minimum Passing Requirements Minimum component values for a male < 30 Years of age. Run time ≤ 13:36 min:sec / Abd. Cir. ≤ 39.0 inches. Push-ups ≥ 33 repetitions/ one minute. Sit-ups ≥ 42 repetitions/one minute. Minimum component values for a Females < 30 Years of age. Run time ≤ 16:22 min:sec / Abd. Cir. ≤ 35.5 inches. Push-ups ≥ 18 repetitions/ one minute. Sit-ups ≥ 38 repetitions/one minute.


13 AETC Summary PFA? Fitness Assessment Components. Assessment Procedures. Body Composition Assessment and Procedures. Aerobic Fitness Assessment. Muscular Fitness Assessment. Minimum Passing Requirements. QUESTIONS?

I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Sustaining the Combat Capability of America’s Air Force