PSAT Cubesat Remote Data & Comms Transponders 2015 Smallsat Cubesat Conference, Utah Bob Bruninga WB4APR US Naval Academy Satellite Lab Dr. Mirek Kasal OK2AQK Tomas Urbanec, P. Vágner Mike Ruprecht, DK3WN Ocean Buoys w/ RF Terminals Title Name of ParkinsonSAT is in honor of Dr Parkinson of GPS fame and a USNA grad Shortened to Psat… GROUND STATION A satellite relay channel for Amateur Satellite User data anywhere on earth. PSAT
Cubesat Remote Data & Comms Transponders A satellite relay channel for Amateur Satelilte User data anywhere on earth. The Earth The Air The Climate The Water The Wildlife Humanity Human-to-Human communications Remote Robot communications Title Name of ParkinsonSAT is in honor of Dr Parkinson of GPS fame and a USNA grad Shortened to Psat… 2
Cubesat Remote Data & Comms Transponders A satellite relay channel for Amateur Satelilte User data anywhere on earth. Engineering Educational Objective: One or two semester student engineering projects Individual engineering responsibility Low cost Driven to completion Where Failure (learning) is an option Title Name of ParkinsonSAT is in honor of Dr Parkinson of GPS fame and a USNA grad Shortened to Psat… 3
Cubesat Remote Data & Comms Transponders A satellite relay channel for Amateur Satelilte User data anywhere on earth. Problem with Spacecraft segment focus: Multi-year, often delayed, expensive small cubesats do not well meet these particular undergraduate objectives. Title Name of ParkinsonSAT is in honor of Dr Parkinson of GPS fame and a USNA grad Shortened to Psat… 4
Solution: Ground Terminal Applications Focus Supports Student Experimenters world wide OR OR Mobile and HTradios serve as Ground Terminal Equipment. GPS gives “tracking” position data. Other sensors give other data OR OR
Ground Terminal Applications Focus (force tracking and text-messaging) Quicker Student involvement using a Ground Terminal Operational Concept Ground Terminal Applications Focus (force tracking and text-messaging) Supports Student Experimenters School missions/movements Theater area communications and Emergency Response Comms APRS tracking of course, plus remote data sensing, emergency comms drills, And travel/expedition remote data access. The transponder can also be used by emergency response volunteers such as the Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS). Other educational users have access Education Force Multiplier! APRS Global data network 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 6
APRS Local & Global Internet linked Data Network The APRS Internet captures all packets heard by anyone anywhere and makes them available to anyone This permits Text Messaging between any/all systems also connected to the internet APRS Global Packet Radio Network Internet Linked for live Communications Automatic Packet Reporting System APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
Arctic Buoy Student Experiment USNA Arctic Buoy deployed March 2012 The APRS piece
Example Remote Sensors using APRS Protocol Very Simple APRS transmitter GPS Typical student “near-space” experiments use the system for Balloon payloads. COTS amateur radio transponders readily available.
Why We Need Psat Satellite Transponders Transatlantic APRS balloon launched and tracked through terrestrial network Lost comms over Atlantic Ocean It could have been picked up by our Psat/Pcsat transponder or the ISS
Global Wilderness Areas (90% of Earth) Live Global APRS Balloon Tracking Web Page
Global Wilderness Areas (90% of Earth) M0XER-3, 4 and 6 Live Global APRS Balloon Tracking Web Page
Tiny M0XER APRS (balloon data) payloads ‘round-da-world 434 MHz
“APRS” Tracking Track any experiment anywhere and collect data Tactical situational awareness This is an APRS HT in the cockpit of a cross country small plane
Hand-Held Satcom via APRS & Psat Ground Terminal is Walkie-Talkie, and Palm Pilot “When you have no comms, 1200 baud text/data is great!” CAPT Chas Richard To Quote the skipper of the USS Parche.. (red above) “ *** “ In this photo, The skipper, Ops bos and Chief Engineer and our Ensign Scrabeck are shown here Using their handheld PCSAT ground terminal. (which is independent of all the other antennas shown) APRS Global data network 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 15
MAREA* Rover Projects ( ARRL) STEM School projects Excite kids with Robotics Drive anywhere on Earth! Via APRS links *
Ground Terminal Applications Focus Psat USNA-0601 Ground Terminal Applications Focus Tactical Situational Awareness and Text Messaging Last 100 stations! Direction & Distance Frequency and Tone These Radio displays show what the user sees on his radio of the surrounding tactical situation Shows station data, frequency, position, course and speed And on an attached GPS showing surrounding stations on the map
APRS Experiment Data Access (via internet)* to see data on ANY experiment in the world Clicking on any station reveals STATIONS NEAR page sorted by range from station Also shows all Text messages Clicking on callsign zooms google map and satellite views to station * Click to see all stations on map Based on the USNA Automatic Packet Reporting System
Tracking (on Google Earth)* Tactical situational awareness Since all data is injected live into the internet by volunteer groundstations, Numerous data mining applications have been developed, especially Google maps and satellite views Telemetry Plots Live Example: IN addition to position,course, speed, status, text and messages, remote telemetry can also be transmitted. Such data is automatically archived by the internet system and available at any time from any browser Even without prior arrangement! This shows a year of ANDE satellite telemetry captured by APRS
Our Amateur Satellite Data Relay Problem ISS – Always there, but does not cover the poles PCSAT-1 since 2001, but only works when it wants to… NEED a continuous presence in space for these relays! The more the better!
Dual Hop Operations with PCSAT-1 and PCSAT2: This was the longest 2 hop DX via PCSAT1 and PCSAT2 APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
APRS Global data network All on 145.825 MHz 1990 With all APRS transponder satelites on the same frequency, there can be multiple hops! Trans-Atlantic communications possible through satellite-to-satellite communications See live downlink on and APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
APRS in Space Automatic Packet Reporting System 2001 PCSAT-1 Prototype Comm (semi-operational) 2006 PCSAT2 on ISS (returned after 1 year) 2007 ANDE de-orbited in 1 year 2008 RAFT de-orbited in 5 months 2007 Present ISS semi-operational due crew settings 2014 CAPE II AX.25 U of Louisiana (Nick Pugh) 2015 PSAT APRS and PSK31 Experimenters need a continuous Transponder in Space We have had 5 APRS transponders in Space We need a continuous 145.825 transponder in space. And we need MORE of them. 10 or more would provide nearly continuous coverage. APRS space frequency is published as 145.825 See live downlink on and
APRS Global data network Huge reduction from transponders on PCSAT’s 1,2, ANDE and RAFT missions Psat USNA-0601 Earlier reductions to 5” cubesat on RAFT (2006) 4:1 Read TITLE First by a factor of 4 on RAFT (which were deployed from ISS in 2006) And now by a factor of 18 or more for our CUBESAT design. Now reduced 18:1 in volume/mass for 4” cubesat 2009 APRS Global data network 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 25
APRS Global data network A single 3” Square card AX.25 145.825 MHz Mission: Remote Data Relay, Data Exfiltration, Remote Sensor Relay Benefit: Support Space Education on the ground through space applications and student experimental access Hardware: VHF simplex data Xsponder 145.825 MHz Size/Mass: < 10 (1 PCB 3.4” square), <0.1kg Power: < 1W orbit average, 5 volts. Integration Requirement: Simply, on/off (or *) Structure Impact: Needs 19” thin wire whip antenna (1 Benefit to Spacecraft: High visibilty to worldwide educational institutions, fosters collaboration, orders of magnitude greater student experimental access to space systems (ground segment). * Independent back-up telemetry command/ control channel, RS232 serial data, 16 on/off discretes, backdoor reset capability. Worldwide Telemetry Beacon access via global station network. Here is a summary for potential as an AUX payload on Falconsat-6 APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
Psat APRS Network Architecture Many of these IGates are tuned to the APRS Satellites too. Global Volunteer Ground Station Network Internet Linked for live Telemetry APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
Global Volunteer Groundstations feed live downlink into Internet DK3WN and PA3GUO are representative of the many dedicated APRS satellite Ground stations APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
APRS Global data network 70 APRS Satgates hear ISS, but only 10 hear PSAT (- 17 dB) APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
APRS FOCUS: “Network Centric” & Remote Sensor Experiments Communications Mission Background APRS is everywhere * (Remote Data Relay) FOCUS: “Network Centric” & Remote Sensor Experiments APRS The APRS transponder is an education multiplier giving student access to space with ground system experiments Zoom in on Colorado Springs and you can see 50 “remote sensors/tactical assets” within 50 miles! This shows the popularity of the Remote Data Reporting mission for experimenters (amateur radio operators and students) 300 stations In 35 miles 35 mi Find any station, Any map, Anywhere-
APRS Terrestrial Data Relay Network Supports over 20,000+ terrestrial users and experimenters. Read the 1st bullet… then … this map shows the number of USA users and experimenters that use our AX.25 data channel terrestrially… but any of these users can switch to our uplink with a click turn of their frequency knob. As an example, The Mars Society was an educational arctic outpost that has used our system … Read last bullet But stops at the shoreline and has huge holes in the wilderness APRS Global data network 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 32
Satellite Users more sparse – Need to Track to Use PCSAT2 User Plot 18 Apr 06 We have demonstrated our link performance and global connectivity with our previous APRS satellites This is a snapshot on 18 April 2006 while PCSAT2 was attached to the ISS Showing the last 60 users that day. APRS Global data network 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 33 Vandegriff
There are terrestrial network holes everywhere Just like cell coverage, Maybe 70% of USA users are actually out of range of the terrestrial network in rural areas And the terrestrial user does not know when the next APRS satellite is in view…
Our next QIKCOM-1 has an alert Beacon When over USA, a 1 minute beacon on terrestrial frequency: - Won’t be heard amongst the din on the terrestrial freq in coverage areas Will be heard by mobile out of range of terrestrial connectivity Format is QIKCOM-1: 145.825MHz, Tune to operate One-button satellite access! On the front panel of the radio!
Remote Sensor Baseline Psat USNA-0601 Remote Sensor Baseline 2006 15:1 reduction 2 8 We have established the baseline for our systems both on the ground and in space. The electronics in our 2006 prototype buoy… was reduced this summer by nearly a factor of 15 in volume in a new design shown here. We have made similar reductions in Psat’s comms and data hardware to transition to a CUBESAT design See Buoy Location and Telemetry at Piggrem
Remote Buoy Baseline Test – Success of 1 min Xmit rate This chart summarizes the number of packets heard from a floating buoy operating at 5 watts once every 2 minutes. As many as 11 reports per day were received when both PCSAT1 and PCSAT2 were active at the same time. Wne PCSAT1 died again, then only the packets via ISS got through. But still, a few per day. APRS Global data network 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 37
If it flies, it could have an APRS transponder on it If it is off the ground we want a TRANSPONDER on it! Range at 5000’ = 100 miles APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
QuickLook: Global APRS Data Network - Every Packet on Earth - Every packet via ISS – Every packet via PCSAT APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
Psat Transponder & Aux Payload Psat USNA-0601 75% Payload Space Available! (only 50% shown here) 18 for Transponder External 19” whip antenna 68 for Aux Payload (SPMS?) Aux payload gets 4” external panel Aug payload gets .5 kg – self contained 1 to 3W average power for aux payload The mechanical design allows for the additional clean integration of more than half of the volume for an AUX payload. The challenge is getting the Moments of intertia maximized along the Z axis for a stable sun pointing spin. Full sun power is 5.5 Watts, 1 to 3 watts is available for auxilliary payloads. APRS Global data network Vandegriff 4/21/2017 4/21/2017 40
PSAT Unique parallel-charge EPS Design Uses 2 NiCd cells per solar panel
Unique Power Attitude – Z coil ADCS Uses only one Z coil for attitude Control Fires only within +/- 20 deg of Equator Solar Panel angle better than 95% power Higher reliability Passive Spin maintenance Differential Radiation Spin
PSAT’s mass is centered in Z For Maximum MOI about Z Batteries to outside for MOI & Shielding Stainless steel belt around everything APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
APRS Global data network 1 Aug is 27 RPM! When we find the time we are really looking forward to understanding our Solar Radiative Spin system. APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
PSAT: Aux PSK31 Transponder Payload Flew on PCSAT2 on ISS but astronaut broke off HF antenna Flew on RAFT but took 1 kW uplink and negative power budget Now Operational since May 2015 launch of PSAT and BRICsat Both transponders built at Brno Univ, Czech Republic. 28 MHz SSB uplinks 435.350 FM downlink APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
PSAT: PSK31 Transponder Payload !!! Built Dr. Mirek Kasal OK2AQK and students Tomas Urbanec, P. Vágner HF Linear RX FM XMTR APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
Tuning Antennas on a 7” Spacecraft Imagine turning a 6’ HF whip on a 7” spacecraft Ground plane! Any instrument connection detunes SWR to infinity So, Put Analyzer inside! APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
PSAT Nitinol Wire Whip Antennas APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
Wrapping Antennas to one Burn Resistor 2 Orthogonal UHF whips One VHF whip One 6’ HF whip 3rd Enable Switch APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
How not to Make a Satellite Make sure it fits Stop adding neat features… APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
The boards stack across and zero clearance For Maximum MOI about Z Batteries to outside for Shielding APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
Chip Radiation Shielding? Epoxy Lead squares over critical chip dies APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
APRS Global data network 4/21/2017
QIKCOM-2 converts DTMF to both Voice and APRS and APRS data to voice! With QIKCOM-2, not just APRS but DTMF data sources can be relayed among all users.
The 324 Grid system has 99 grids… Position to 60 miles in 4 digits
Standard Message communications (4 bytes) Since 1800’s for telegraph since1927 or so for radio Most of the time, most of what is said, has been said before Q2 has 99 messages and 99 modifiers
Remember, lots of Space APS here on Earth STEM School projects Excite kids with Robotics Drive anywhere on Earth! Via APRS links *